Welcome to the source code for VU Amsterdam Research Support Handbook! If you want to report a problem or suggest a new page, you can do so using our contribution portal.
This is a community led handbook for all things related to research at VU. The handbook is split into topics and guides.
Topics - self-contained descriptions of specific things relevant to your work at VU Amsterdam.
Guides - a collection of topics in a meaningful order to achieve a goal
All information in the handbook is specific to VU's local context. We are happy to hear if things are (un)helpful and you work at VU Amsterdam.
The handbook also has a blog, which you can follow on RSS. If you'd like to write a blog post, you are more than welcome to share it with us.
Our requirements for blogs:
- It articulates its relevance to VU employees
- It has a clear message and communicates it effectively
- It is clear and concise
We will assess blogs on a case by case basis before including them. Please mind that we may not immediately post your blog and submitting one does not entitle you to it being posted.
All contributions to this project are gratefully acknowledged using the allcontributors
package following the allcontributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!