is our central GCS and web based control UI.
- Docker
- Docker Compose
Navigate into your local repository for GCOM-X in the command line and then run the following command to pull the image directly from DockerHub:
docker-compose pull
The images can also be built locally:
Navigate to frontend folder (cd frontend
) and run:
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
Change back to the main folder (cd ..
docker-compose build --parallel
After installing: Run the following commands to setup database migrations:
docker-compose run backend python manage.py migrate
docker-compose run interop-server bash -c "./healthcheck.py --postgres_host interop-db && ./manage.py migrate && ./config/load_test_data.py"
General usage is as follows:
docker-compose up
- Go to the frontend webpage:
- Development url:
- Go to the admin webpage:
- See below to create an admin user
- Go to the interop admin webpage:
- User: testadmin
- Password: testpass
- More details: https://github.com/auvsi-suas/interop
can be replaced with localhost
if preferred
[Frontend] Run tests:
docker-compose run frontend npm test
[Frontend] Create a coverage report:
docker-compose run frontend npm run coverage
[Frontend] Go to coverage/lcov-report/index.html
to view the coverage.
[Backend] Run tests:
docker-compose run backend coverage run --source='.' manage.py test
[Backend] Create a coverage report:
docker-compose run backend coverage html
[Backend] Go to htmlcov/index.html
to view the coverage.
Adding new python packages:
echo <lib> >> requirements.txt
docker-compose build backend
Adding new JS (npm) packages
docker-compose run frontend npm install <lib>
To create a new admin user:
(Interop) docker-compose run interop-server bash -c “./manage.py createsuperuser”
(GCOM-X) docker-compose run backend bash -c “python manage.py createsuperuser”
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
or similar.
You need to run the
commands as root. Use sudo:sudo docker <command>
. Or add yourself to the docker group.
Various Errors
Try doing
docker-compose down
to cleanup any created services. This will delete any changes and bring all the components down. You will need to do the "After Install" steps again.