Current points: 1140 Categories (bolded are those I have not completed):
- Programming: Birthday, Secure OTP, Codebreaker, Tiles*
- Client-Side Protections: Disabled, Button Clicker, Weird Input, Paid Content
- Netowrking: HTTP Basic, WPA2 Deauth
- Exploitation: Stack Overflow, Lonely Bot*
- Steganography: "Frequency Analysis", Hidden Pictures
- Crypto: Skip Cipher, Encoded, Xor, ENIGMA, Ransom
- Reverse Engineering: Baby's First RE, Defeating Dr. D Bugg, Sentence Bot, Defuse, Debug Me*
- Input Validation: SQL Login, Cross Site Scripting, SQL Credit Cards
Most of the challenges I've solved I already see writeups for (although I don't use any when I solve them myself). I will be doing writeups for those I have not seen yet. The ones I have starred are the next things on my agenda that I will do a writeup on. My goal is to do Tiles, Lonely Bot, and maybe Debug Me if I really want to cross over 2000 (but if I get to that point then I'd be pressed to solve all of them but I suck at steganography though lol).