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Webserv CPP98

Made by Bima, YvanoffP and Tyrossel

Get Started

./webserv configuration_file
  • Go to http://localhost:2022/index.html for example, and explore it !




Parse Configuration File

  • Configuration file must be JSON like
  • See how to parse JSON here

Configurations values for Server

Key Type Value
address STRING IP address on which the server is listening on
port INT port on which the server is listening on
server_name STRING or ARRAY names used to connect to the server

Configurations values for Locations

Key Type Value
root STRING Root path of the server
index STRING or ARRAY names of index files
cgi_bin STRING path to the cgi exe by default
max_client_body_size INT Max size of body client request
auto_index BOOL Set the auto_index on or off
disabled_methods STRING or ARRAY Set the disable methods for all server or location
error_pages OBJECT - String:INT ARRAY path to custom error pages:errors code
cgi_extensions ARRAY Files extensions where CGI will be executed
locations ARRAY of OBJECT each location is a mini server, where some configuration can change
location_path STRING Set the disable methods for all server or location

Configurations values for Redirections

Key Type Value
redirections ARRAY of OBJECT each objects contains old_url, status and can have new_url
old_url STRING old url you want redirect
new_url STRING new url who old url will be redirected on
status INT status link to the redirection
  • First part of configuration is server by default == location by default
  • Each locations are considered as little server
  • Only address, port and server_names cannot be redefined in a location
  • If a configuration is not present in a location, this configuration key will take the default value in default location

Parse HTTP Request

  • Client request is store in Request object

  • Payload body accepted in our server :
    • classic payload
    • chunked without trailer
    • chunked with trailer
  • Here is some docs according to HTTP request format :



  • allow your program to monitor multiple file descriptor (max 1024)
  • will be waiting for timeout and return a value :
    • -1 : error
    • 0 : if timeout
    • > 0 : total number of bits that are set in readfds, writefds and exceptfds

Main Loop

  • When select() returns a value > 0, 3 others loop are called

Looper Object

  • Looper is the main object
  • He stores all objects required to get the client request, parse it and build a response to him


  • String, must be sent to the client
  • Use the socket to communicate with him
  • Response should be write with strict semantic
  • 3 parts :
    • Status line with HTTP Protocol and Status Code
    • Headers with some information about the requested resource
    • Body with the content of the requested resource

  • Content-Length : must be sent to the client. It indicates to your browser the length exact of the requested resource

Response Object

HTTP Methods

Method Body Resume
GET No Requests a representation of the specified resource
POST Yes Sends data to the server, sent via an HTML form and results in a change on the server
DELETE May Deletes the specified resource



  • Technique to give more than one URL address to a page
  • It's a special case of response : use the 30X codes
  • Client send a request to the server. Server detect that the requested resource has been moved, so server respond the right 30X code. The client will send a new request with the new location to get the requested resource

Redirection codes

Code Status Use case
300 Multiple choice Choices are listed in an HTML page in the body. Few use case
301 Moved Permanently Permanent redirection. Reorganization of a Web site
302 Found Page is temporarily unavailable
303 See Other Used to redirect after a PUT or a POST
304 Not Modified Sent for revalidated conditional requests. Indicates that the cached response is still fresh
307 Temporary Redirect Page is temporarily unavailable for unforeseen reasons. Better than 302 when non-GET method is used
308 Permanent Redirect Reorganization of a Web site, with non-GET methods


  • Common Gateway Interface
  • Interface that enables servers to execute an extern program
  • Use to process user requests, often when user submits a web form that use CGI
  • Server will transmit the request to the script, and sent back the CGI response
  • Communication between server and CGI will be made using pipe

  • Here is a simple resume of CGI process

CGI Environment

Header Value
CONTENT_LENGTH Length of the request body
CONTENT_TYPE Value of Content-Type headers in request
PATH_INFO Full path of the requested file
PATH_TRANSLATED Full path of the requested file
QUERY_STRING If query, part of request path after '?' / Otherwise, empty string
REDIRECT_STATUS Should be initialize for php-cgi
REMOTE_HOST Name of the client that sent the request
REQUEST_METHOD Method of the request
REQUEST_URI Full path of the requested file
SCRIPT_NAME Name of the cgi file
SERVER_NAME Server hostname, or IP address
SERVER_PORT Port where the server i listening
SERVER_PROTOCOL Name and revision of the information protcol this request came in with : Protocol/Version
SERVER_SOFTWARE Name and version of the information server software answering the request : Name/Version

RFC Docs


No description, website, or topics provided.






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