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Tympanix edited this page Jan 22, 2017 · 5 revisions



Can I have more than one ProgId registered for my application?

Yes. You may have as many as you like. You may consider this if you want to have different context menus for each file type or even a different file icon for each file type. Just remember that the progExt property must be different for each ProgId

Can I set the default application for one or more file types on the client computer?

As of Windows 7 this was changed by Microsoft to not let applications change such user preferences. This has been ensured by setting a hash in the windows registry which renders programs unable to force such preferences upon the user. The purpose of registering file types is to make it easy for the user to change the default application by letting windows know which extensions your app supports.

I changed the default application but the icon for the file type is not showing up?

You need to refresh the icon cache. This usually happens when the computer is restarted. However, you can cheat a little.

  • ie4uinit.exe -ClearIconCache (Windows 8 and before)
  • ie4uinit.exe -show (Windows 10)
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