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Getting Started

Download links:

SSH clone URL: [email protected]:tybulut/lsmio.git
HTTPS clone URL:

These instructions will get you a copy of the project.

Prerequisites: Linux/Debian

What packages to install and how to install them.




cmake autoconf automake gdb git
cpplint libbz2-dev libpython3-dev
libkyotocabinet-dev kyotocabinet-utils
libsnappy-dev sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
texlive-latex-base texlive-font-utils
texlive-latex-base  texlive-latex-extra texlive-science
libchart-gnuplot-perl libpng-dev
libpod-parser-perl libpod-latex-perl
libhdf5-dev libhdf5-mpi-dev libhdf5-mpich-dev libhdf5-openmpi-dev
openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev
libgtest-dev googletest-tools googletest
libgoogle-glog-dev libfmt-dev
libgflags-dev libleveldb-dev librocksdb-dev
libadios2-mpi-c++11-dev libcli11-dev

Optional Packages:

screen vim wget curl rdate rsync

Other Dependencies:

Darshan should be installed manually if it is not available already on the system. The remaining dependencies are managed by CMake.

- doc/dependencies/11-darshan

Prerequisites: HPC


Rocky Linux release 8


./tools/bmtool/bmtool load-modules

Other dependencies:

Not all dependencies are available as modules on Viking cluster. Hence we need to manually maintain the following dependencies.

By default all the packages will be installed with the prefix: $HOME/src
The packages that are listed in doc/dependencies/ directory have the installation 
instructions listed in their respective shell scripts.
In the same directory the dependencies starting with 9 are optional.


Run build sript:

./ <debug|release> [<test|install>]

This will create a build in the directory below:



After building, to run the unit tests:

cd build
ctest -j8 ..  # to run 8 tests in parallel

Alternatively you can build and test together

./ <debug|release> test

Recommended mount options for testing on a local HDD:

mount -o noatime,nodiratime /dev/sda2 /media/400GB


Build script makes assumptions on where to install.

./ <debug|release> install

If you want to remove the previous files and then install a release version of it

./ clean install

These instructions will get your copy of the project up and ready to use on your local machine in $HOME/src prefix directory for development and testing purposes.


Set the environment variables

export SB_EMAIL="your email address"
export SB_ACCOUNT="your account ID for HPC credentails"

Benchmark script usage:

cd tools/bmtool
./bmtool  run <ior|lsmio|lmp> <local|bake|small|large> [<--ssd>]
./bmtool  parse <ior|lsmio|lmp> <local|bake|small|large> [<--ssd>]
./bmtool  load-modules

Run the IOR benchmarks for upto 48 parallel jobs:

cd tools/bmtool
./bmtool run ior small

Run the LSMIO benchmarks for upto 48 parallel jobs:

cd tools/bmtool
./bmtool run lsmio small

Parse the IOR benchmarks results for the latest run

cd tools/bmtool
./bmtool parse ior small

To clean the benchmark folder between runs and after parsing:

rm -rf $HOME/scratch/benchmark/data/*
rm -rf $HOME/scratch/benchmark/ior/*
rm -rf $HOME/scratch/benchmark/lsmio/*

Using LSMIO in a Project

To include LSMIO in your package using a CMAKE project:

find_package(lsmio REQUIRED)
target_include_directories(... PUBLIC ${LSMIO_INCLUDE_DIRS})
target_link_libraries(... PUBLIC lsmio_store)

Substitute the ... with your target name.

A simple example is follows:

#include <lsmio/lsmio.hpp>
#include <lsmio/manager/manager.hpp>


  lsmio::LSMIOManager lm("test_data", "/tmp/mydir");

  success = lm.put(key1, value1, true);
  success = lm.get(key1, &value);


External resources for this project:

How to reference

ACM format:

Serdar Bulut and Steven A. Wright. 2023. Optimizing Write Performance for Checkpointing to Parallel File Systems Using LSM-Trees. In Proceedings of the SC '23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis (SC-W '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 492–501.

BibTex format:

author = {Bulut, Serdar and Wright, Steven A.},
title = {Optimizing Write Performance for Checkpointing to Parallel File Systems Using LSM-Trees},
year = {2023},
isbn = {9798400707858},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3624062.3624118},
abstract = {The widening gap between compute performance and I/O performance on modern HPC systems means that writing checkpoints to a parallel file system for fault tolerance is fast becoming a bottleneck to high-performance. It is therefore vital that software is engineered such that it can achieve the highest proportion of available performance on the underlying hardware; and this is a burden often carried by I/O middleware libraries. In this paper, we outline such an I/O library based on a Log-structured Merge Tree (LSM-Tree), not just for metadata, but also scientific data. We benchmark its performance using the IOR benchmark, demonstrating 2.4 to 76.7 \texttimes{} better performance than alternative file formats, such as ADIOS2, HDF5, and IOR baseline when running on a Lustre Parallel File System. We further demonstrate that when our LSM-Tree I/O library is used as a storage layer for ADIOS2, the resulting I/O library still outperforms the default ADIOS2 implementation by 1.5 \texttimes{}.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the SC '23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis},
pages = {492–501},
numpages = {10},
keywords = {MPI, checkpointing, distributed storage, high performance computing, input/output},
location = {<conf-loc>, <city>Denver</city>, <state>CO</state>, <country>USA</country>, </conf-loc>},
series = {SC-W '23}