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A Schema-less JSON validator, only requires typescript interface definitions

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TypedGate - a JSON Type Checker & Validator without schemas

TypedGate is a JSON checker & validator tool without using any schemas but only requires typescript interface definitions and simple comments.

TypedGate compares typescript interface/class definition to JSON then output validation results.

TypedGate Screenshot


Try now without installation (npx)

You can use npx to use TypedGate without installation:

npx typedgate --tsconfig ./tsconfig.json --src ./src/index.ts --json ./some-json-file.json

Global installation

npm install -g typedgate
typedgate --tsconfig ./tsconfig.json --src ./src/index.ts --json ./some-json-file.json

Checking your TypeScript codes of Interfaces / Classes with TypedGate

Add ControlComment to your Interface/Class definitions

In this example, control-comment @TG:path .engine is added to Engine interface. TypedGate recognize that JSON's engine property should follow Engine interface.

export type CylinderLayout = 'inline' | 'flat' | 'v';
export type FuelSystemKind = 'injection' | 'carburetor';
export type EngineDirection = 'longitudinal' | 'transverse';

// This is a control comment
// @TG:path .engine
export interface Engine {
  name: string
  displacement: number;
  bore: number;
  stroke: number;
  compressionRatio: number;
  turbo: boolean;
  intercooler: boolean;
  fuelSystem: FuelSystemKind;
  vvt: boolean;
  cylinderCount: number;
  rotary: boolean;
  diesel: boolean;
  cylinderLayout: CylinderLayout;
  engineDirection: EngineDirection;
  ignitionPlugName?: string;

Note that control-comments should be placed above the interface/class declaration.

TypedGate compares Engine interface to following json:

  "engine": {
    "name": "1KZ",
    "displacement": 2982,
    "bore": 96,
    "stroke": 103,
    "compressionRatio": 21.2,
    "turbo": true,
    "intercooler": false,
    "fuelSystem": "injection",
    "vvt": false,
    "cylinderCount": 4,
    "rotary": false,
    "diesel": true,
    "cylinderLayout": "inline",
    "engineDirection": "longitudinal"

Since this JSON has valid type of Engine interface, TypedGate will print following output:

Loading project...
=== Validation Result ===

TypedGate also recognize multiple control-comment like this:

// @TG:path .login.providers.twitter
// @TG:path .login.providers.facebook
// @TG:path .login.providers.line
export interface ProviderItem {
  displayName: string;
  isShow: boolean;

JSON shown below satisfies above interface definition.


Run TypedGate

To run TypedGate, you should specify path to project's tsconfig.json, path to source file, path to json to validate.

  • -t or --tsconfig: path to tsconfig.json
  • -s or --src: path to source file to validate
  • -j or --json: path to json file to validate
    • Since TypedGate is not a JSON validator, JSON with wrong syntax will cause application error.
  • -v or --verbose: TypedGate will print verbose outputs
typedgate --tsconfig ./test/fixtures/car-types/tsconfig.json --src ./test/fixtures/car-types/engine.ts --json ./test/fixtures/car-types/engine.json

(You can use npx without installation as described in 'Installation' section)

TypedGate will exit with code 0 when validation is success. Exit code 1 will be returned when validation failure.


Validating multiple files

--src option can be take one single file. To validate multiple files, we recommend that you put a file like this:

export * from './color-theme';
export * from './general';
export * from './advanced';
export * from './tabs';
// other exports ...

We assume this file is named src/index.ts. To validate these exported files, you can run this command:

typedgate --tsconfig path/to/tsconfig.json --src ./src/index.ts --json /path/to/something.json

Array path

Assume a JSON of array like this:

    "num": 123,
    "num": 321,
    "num": 987,
    "num": 456,

An array is represented as [] in TypedGate. So below interface and ControlComment can validate above JSON.

// @TG:path .[]
export interface ArrayInterface {
  num: number;

An array in object like this:

        "num": 123,
        "num": 321,

is represented as:

// @TG:path .array[]
export interface ArrayInterface {
  num: number;


You can use TypedGate in your Node program.

npm install typedgate
import { TypedGate, TypedGateResult } from '../src/index'

const tg = new TypedGate('./path/to/tsconfig.json', './path/to/project/index.ts')
tg.validateJsonFile('./test/fixtures/crayon-types/crayon-type.json').then((isValid: boolean) => {
  if (isValid) {
    console.log('Valid JSON & TypeScript combination')
  } else {
    const resultDetail: TypedGateResult[] | undefined = tg.validationResult
    // validation fails:
    // validationResult property contains detail of errors
    console.log('Not valid JSON & TypeScript combination')

// You can also pass object directly rather than pass file path to JSON.
const object = {
  "some object": {
    // ...

Below is an example of failed validation.

TypedGate.validationResult property contains source file name of typescript, position where error occurs, etc.

    objectPathIdentifier: [ 'home', 'contents', 'available' ],
    objectValue: undefined,
    sourceFileName: '/path/to/project/test/fixtures/crayon-types/home.ts',
    text: 'available: boolean;',
    sourceFilePos: { line: 9, column: 25 },
    valid: false
    objectPathIdentifier: [ 'home', 'contents' ],
    objectValue: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
    sourceFileName: '/path/to/project/test/fixtures/crayon-types/home.ts',
    text: 'contents: HomeContent[];',
    sourceFilePos: { line: 4, column: 30 },
    valid: false
    objectPathIdentifier: [ 'home' ],
    objectValue: { contents: [Array] },
    sourceFileName: '/path/to/project/test/fixtures/crayon-types/home.ts',
    text: 'export interface HomeConfig {\n  contents: HomeContent[];\n}',
    sourceFilePos: { line: 1, column: 40 },
    valid: false

Methods & Properties

  • constructor(private tsConfigFilePath: string, private sourceFilePath: string)
    • tsConfigFilePath: path to tsconfig.json
    • sourceFilePath: path to typescript source file (e.g. project's root index.ts)
  • validateJsonFile(fileName: string)
    • fileName: full path to JSON file to validate
  • validateObject(targetData: any): boolean
    • targetData: object to validate (rather than pass file path to JSON by using validateJsonFile().)
  • get validationResult: TypedGateResult[] | undefined
    • objectPathIdentifier: indicates location of failed object
    • objectValue: objectPathIdentifier's value
    • sourceFileName: path to TypeScript source code where validation failed
    • text: TypeScript source raw text that validation failed
    • sourceFilePos: position of failed TypeScript source code
    • valid: whether validation success or failed


Run TypedGate

In test/ directory, you can find various useful test cases to develop the TypedGate code.

npm run build && node dist/cli.js -v --tsconfig ./test/fixtures/car-types/tsconfig.json --src ./test/fixtures/car-types/engine.ts --json ./test/fixtures/car-types/engine.json

-v (--verbose) switch will help your development.

Run tests

npm run test


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