1. Windows 10 (
2. Visual Studio 2015 (
3. UCRTD.lib (
a. Windows 10 SDK (
b. Elsewhere.
Two locations are required to have the compiler automatically build the emitted assembly instructions (optional):
1. C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\amd64\ml64.exe (location of the assembly compiler).
2. C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\10.0.10240.0\ucrt\x64 (location of ucrt.lib, the newest library for Windows 10 CRT methods).
If you want to build the emmitted assembly yourself, then any Microsoft-compatible assembler should work
as long as ucrtd.lib can be compiled against.
Compiler.sln in Visual Studio 2015.
The binary (debug or release) will be dropped in the root directory for your convenience.
There is also a set of test files in the root directory which test the compiler; in addition,
there are some test files ("Z_") which deliberately cause errors in the semantic check mode ("-T").
The first test file ("A_TEST") seeks to exercise as many of the extra features as possible, but
some the target "Start" function may need to be changed to test some functionality.
There are two different ways to run the compiler:
Compiler.exe {option: [-A, -P, -T, -C]}
The latter will give you the option to choose from one of the test files; in addition, you can choose which mode to run in on those test files.
LEX file is ".lex" and grammar file is ".y".