Contains notebooks containing various data analysis.
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Skewness and Kurtosis in Data Distributions
- Importance of Correlation Matrix in Binary Classification
- Pair Plots or Scatter Matrix:
- Heatmaps
- Box Plots
- Checking and Removing Outliers
- Scaling
- Quantile Transformation
- QQ Plot
- Classifiers
- PCA Visualization Interpretation
- Model Training
- Model Creation
- Stacking
- Soft Voting
- Hard Voting
- Calibrating the model
- Model Calibration in PyCaret
- Calibration Techniques in Machine Learning
- Finalizing the last model
- Precision and Recall Trade-off
- In addition to basic exploratory data analysis it explains and demonstrates the use of K-Nearest Neighbor.
- Demonstrates the implementation of a custom classifier for training and prediction.