A website with Brazilian Portuguese expressions. Content licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License.
Expressions are created as Markdown files, using Jekyll's Front Matter YAML metadata. This is the current schema of an expression Markdown file.
layout: expression
category: a # This is the letter collection name, values are a-z, and 0 for numerical
title: "A gente chamando siri de meu bife" # This is the expression and page title
permalink: "/a/a+gente+chamando+siri+de+meu+bife/" # This is the expression permanent link
- no aperto siri é bife
alternate_spellings: # An array of other (mis)spellings for this expression
- agente chamando siri de meu bife
definitions: # An array of definitions for this expression
- definition: | # Definition value, here is a multi-line YAML entry
Its translation would be "We calling crab of my steak". It is used when you are in a situation
where you are struggling, especially financially. In which case, you would consider a crab as
good as an expensive steak.
example: | # Examples of the expression in Portuguese (title and here are only places where PT-BR is used)
- Ofereceram até a mala branca.
- Se vocês ganharem do Flamengo tem um bichinho por fora...
- **A gente chamando siri de meu bife**, uma fase ruim....
- urubu em guerra é frango
created: "2020-04-18T18:56:00" # Date of the creation of the entry
author: "kinow" # Author nickname
images: # An array of images for this expression
- urubu1.gif # This file must exist at /assets/images/expressions/{expression.permalink}/urubu1.gif
videos: # An array of videos for this expression
- title: Soccer program "Boleiragem", where Zé do Carmo uses this expression # Video display name
link: https://youtu.be/S1H4Y8alLmo?t=1269 # Video link (in this case the link has the time parameter)
It is a good practice to escape special characters in frontmatter — as seen in the expressions
files. There are several ways to do that, one of them is using this website.
- Paste the expression in the "Characters" box.
- In the "JS/Java/C" box, the "ES6" checkbox should be unticked.
- Copy the result of that box into your file.
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec jekyll serve -w --incremental
GitHub Actions are used to build and deploy the site and to update the search index.
Dependabot is also used to scan for vulnerabilities and updates.
Pushing to GitHub is the only requirement to update the site. We have a GitHub action that publishes
the site when a commit is pushed to the master
branch. It also takes care to update the Algolia
search index.
To update the search index locally, the following example command can be used:
$ bundle exec jekyll build && ghp-import -p -r origin -b gh-pages _site/ && ALGOLIA_API_KEY=$ALGOLIA_KEY bundle exec jekyll algolia