This repo contains the build scripts to build all relevant repos for our OpenMP study. The result_data.tar.gz includes the collected data from our analysis. The scripts used for analysis are in our repo:
All build script in scripts are designed as follows:
The build script gets the following input parameters.
: fully qualified path to where the repository was checked out$2
indicating if building with optimizations turned on
The build system should be executed with the following compiler versions gcc/11.2.0 , openmpi/4.1.6
to produce an x86 binary. It can expect to have cmake/3.26.1 , make/4.2.1
available in the PATH.
The build script is expected to put the binaries somewhere inside the repository (excluding the .git
Either in a separate directory inside the repo or straight in the source-tree.
The last line that the build scripts prints to stdout should be 1 of 3 strings:
indicating a successful build (binaries are present)EXTRACT SUCCESSFUL
indicating a successful extraction of the binaries, if an automatic build failed (binaries are present)FAIL
failure resulting in no binaries to be present