- Follow Japanese Code
- Calculate deflection and stress of the two way RC slab
- Solve plate eq. directly by Fourier Method.
- Import/Export by csv format.
- Export pdf file report.
- 2方向長方形板の応力を有限フーリエ変換を用いた解を利用し、直接求めたものです。
- 解の誘導は、”建築構造学体系11、平板構造、東洋一ほか”を参照してください。
- 文献で求められている数式には一部誤記があるため、適宜修正しています。
- 未定乗数を求める連立方程式はnumpyモジュールを利用して解きました。
- 撓み関数から板内の応力は、開発スピードを優先し、sympyモジュールを利用して導関数を直接求めました。
- この時、級数の打ち切りは5としました。
- 計算プログラムはクラスとして定義し、クラスの名前はHigashiとなっています。
├── README.md
├── aijRc.py
├── report.py
├── twoWaySlab.py
├── gui.py
├── higashi.py
├── gui.wxg
├── db
│ ├── rcslab.txt
├── fonts
│ ├── GenShinGothic-Monospace-Medium.ttf
├── images
│ ├── 4sideFix.jpg
│ ├── 4sideFix.png
│ ├── m2.jpg
│ ├── m2_2pin.jpg
│ ├── m2_2pin2.jpg
│ ├── m2_2pin3.jpg
│ ├── m3-1pin.jpg
│ ├── m3-1pin2.jpg
│ ├── m3_1.jpg
│ ├── m3_1pin.jpg
│ ├── m3_2.jpg
│ ├── m4pin.jpg
Main Program
Calculation of the two way plate
obj = Higashi()
- Id_bound: Boundary condition (1-5)
- lx,ly: Shorter & Longer span (m)
- t: Slab thickness (mm)
- w: distributed load (kN/m2)
- creep: Creep Factore (16)
- nu : Poisson's ratio (-)
- nmax, mmax : Num. of the Fourier series (-)
- by list = [Mx1, Mx2, My1, My2, dv]
- Mx1: Negative Momend at Ext. End for the shorter span
- Mx2: Positive Moment at Cent. for the shorter span
- My1: Negative Momend at Ext. End for the longer span
- My2: Positive Moment at Cent. for the longer span
# Solve, four side fix plate
ly/lx = 1.3333333333333333 nu= 0.0
nmax = 5 mmax 5
A = [[ 0.5090853 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.18675521
-0.01495861 0.0034888 -0.00129928 0.00061684]
[ 0. 0.14293034 0. 0. 0. -0.03721607
0.02075058 -0.00756752 0.00327597 -0.00166207]
[ 0. 0. 0.08489664 0. 0. 0.01004821
-0.01285853 0.00747021 -0.00401272 0.00227042]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0.06063058 0. -0.00391218
0.00716243 -0.00577602 0.00381133 -0.00243721]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.04715702 0.0018927
-0.00413512 0.00412076 -0.0032123 0.00230562]
[ 0.24900694 -0.04962143 0.01339761 -0.00521623 0.00252361 0.34803985
0. 0. 0. 0. ]
[-0.01994481 0.02766744 -0.0171447 0.0095499 -0.00551349 0.
0.10611185 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0.00465173 -0.01009003 0.00996028 -0.00770136 0.00549435 0.
0. 0.06366198 0. 0. ]
[-0.00173238 0.00436796 -0.00535029 0.00508177 -0.00428306 0.
0. 0. 0.04547284 0. ]
[ 0.00082246 -0.00221609 0.00302723 -0.00324962 0.00307416 0.
0. 0. 0. 0.03536777]]
y = [-1.76840332e-01 4.74081318e-03 -6.22833216e-04 1.62159911e-04
-5.93426112e-05 -1.39099658e-01 2.02765647e-03 -2.62809136e-04
6.84113770e-05 -2.50351648e-05]
mx = inv(A)@y = [-0.271811 -0.01676099 0.01236399 -0.00646475 0.00359169 -0.20818584
-0.02484464 0.01004986 -0.00472525 0.00259829]
mx1 = -0.06977026632967204
my1 = -0.056276894239432954
Search maximum value by x/a = dx = 0.02
x = 0.00 mmax = 0.02969
Search maximum value by x/a = dx = 0.026666666666666665
y = 0.00 mmax = 0.01310
w(0,0) = 0.0314773344818457 -> 0.0236080008613843
mx2= 0.0296938294167846
my2= 0.0131015854262382
(6.279323969670483, 2.67244464751061, 5.064920481548966, 1.17914268836144, 1.76389833295548)
obj = Aij_rc_set()
- index: "D10", "D13", ......, "D41"
- pitch: "200", "100"
- fc: compressive concrete strength, N/mm2
- gamma: concrete dry density, kN/m3
- obj.Ra: Area of the bar
- obj.Ra_p: Area of the bar within 1.0 m
- Ec: young modulus by AIJ Standard
- numpy
- sympy
- pandas
- reportlab
use "./fonts/GenshinGothic-Monospace-Medium.ttf" for japanese https://gammasoft.jp/blog/pdf-japanese-font-by-python/
self.FONT_NAME = "GenShinGothic"
GEN_SHIN_GOTHIC_MEDIUM_TTF = "./fonts/GenShinGothic-Monospace-Medium.ttf"
# フォント登録
pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('GenShinGothic', GEN_SHIN_GOTHIC_MEDIUM_T
- OnImport
- OnEport
Download souse code, then,
python3 ./twoWaySlab.py
By power shell
> pyinstaller main.py --onefile --noconsole --icon=icons/twoWay_Icon.ico
> mv ./images ./dist/twoWaySlab/
> mv ./fonts ./dist/twoWaySlab/
> ./dist/twoWaySlab/twoWaySlab.exe
> pyinstaller twoWaySlab.spec
> mv ./images ./dist/twoWaySlab/
> mv ./fonts ./dist/twoWaySlab/
> ./dist/twoWaySlab/twoWaySlab.exe
Check Release, and click main/rigidWink.exe!