specnd is a multidimensional data analysis toolbox for Matlab® with error and multiple data channel handling
- event mode and grid mode
- count/monitor mode and value/error mode and automatic conversion
- multiple channels to store different data values for the same coordinates
- stores measurement parameters
- can include a metric tensor to represent reciprocal space
- flexible plotting, import, export functions
- optimised for speed and flexibility (and to treat large datasets not fitting into the memory)
- simple internal data structure, easily accessible
- includes physical units along every axis with automatic conversion
- syntax is optimized for command line usage
data binning/rebinning/summation:
D = D(V1,V2) rebins a 2 dimensional data, bin points are stored in V1 and V2 vectors
D = D(:,[ymin ymax]) sums the data along the 2nd dimension between ymin and ymax
data integration:
D = integrate(D,2) integrates the data along the 2nd dimension (includes dy)
append/combine data:
D = [D1 D2] combines data
D = [D1; D2; D3] creates a higher dimensional data with a new axis
access channel:
D = D{idx} keeps only a single channel with idx index
D = {D1 D2} stores two datasets in one as separate channels
D = calc(D,@fun) calculates data values from the old data values
D = eval(D,@fun) simulates data for the given coordinates using @fun
D = transform(D,@fun,dims) transforms coordinates of given dimensions using @fun
D = transform(D,R) linear transformation of coordinates with R matrix including metric tensor
D=loads(‘data[11:28]’,@fun,’X=H, Y=K, Z=L, D=det1, M=mon2’) loads 3D data in (h,k,l)
plot(D,dims) plots data along selected dimensions, overplots additional dimensions