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✏️ Perl's alternative documentation and test manager.


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perlgib is Perl's alternative documentation and test manager.


perlgib generates HTML, Markdown and Pod documentation and runs tests from Perl code comment lines.


$ perl
$ make dist
$ VERSION=$(perl -Ilib -le 'require "./lib/Perl/"; print $Perl::Gib::VERSION')
$ cpanm Perl-Gib-$VERSION.tar.gz


Simply run perlgib doc - HTML files including an index file are placed in doc - or perlgib test from within your Perl project. Beside Perl modules also Markdown files are processed.

For further information about the command line tool perlgib see the following help output.

    perlgib --help|-h | --man|-m | --version|-v

    perlgib [OPTIONS] doc | test [OPTIONS]

            Print short usage help.

            Print extended usage help.

            Print version string.

    --library-path PATH
            Directory with documents (Perl modules, Markdown files) to
            process, default lib in current working directory.

    --library-name NAME
            Library name.

    Build library documentation.

            Documentation output path, default doc in current working

    --output-format html|markdown|pod|all
            Documentation output format, default html.

            Document private items.

            Document ignored items (#[ignore(item)]).

            Ignore undocumented items.

            Prevent creating of html index.

    Execute documentation tests.

The Perl::Gib API documentation is generated by running perlgib from within this Perl distribution.


Perl::Gib iterates through the library path and processes following item documentation comment lines in the found Perl Modules.

  • package (module) itself
  • subroutines (methods)

If the postmodern object system for Perl 5 Moose is detected, following additional items are processed.

  • attributes has
  • method modifiers before, after, around, augment, override.


A package documentation comment line starts with two hashes followed by an exclamation mark.

##! Package documentation comment line.

The documentation comment block must be placed after the namespace line.

package Acme::Corporation;

##! The Acme Corporation is a fictional corporation that features
##! prominently in the Road Runner/Wile E. Coyote animated shorts as a
##! running gag featuring outlandish products that fail or backfire
##! catastrophically at the worst possible times.

A documentation comment line for all the other above listed Perl module items starts with three hashes.

### Other item documentation comment line.

The documentation comment block must be placed before the item.

### Acme American wrought anvils.
has 'anvils' => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => 'Int',
    default => 10,

### Hit an anvil.
### It rings like a bell.
sub hit {
    my $self = shift;

    return "ring";


A test block starts and ends with three apostrophe.

### ```

Test blocks must be placed in a subroutine / method documentation comment block.

### Test the wrought anvil.
### ```
###     my $bell = hit();
###     is( $bell, "ring");
### ```
sub hit {

The package itself and Test::More are included by default. The code is placed in a subtest named by the subroutine. The final module test scipts are run by prove.


All private items - item name starting with an underscore - are ignored. Items with a first documentation comment line contenting a pseudo method are also ignored.

##! #[ignore(item)]

The whole package (module) is skipped.

### #[ignore(item)]

This ignores the followed item.


The "Artistic License".

Further licenses see lib/Perl/Gib/resources/assets

  • css/highlight.css
  • css/normalize.css
  • js/highlight.min.js