- add prometheus data source (Administratiom/Data Sources --> Add new data source, select Prometheus, add
as url) - enable smtp and set mailhost (via enviromental variables)
- add contact point (mailhog)
- create alert rule
node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes / (1024*1024*1024) < 5
- add label
- create notification policies
- new nested policy and select label
- new nested policy and select label
Mailhog is an email testing tool that makes it super easy to install and configure a local email server. MailHog sets up a fake SMTP server. You can configure your preferred web applications to use MailHog’s SMTP server to send and receive emails.
Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit.
The Prometheus Node Exporter is an open-source time-series monitoring and alerting system for cloud-native environments, including Kubernetes, hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) on GitHub. It can collect and store node-level metrics as time-series data, recording information with a timestamp. It can also collect and record labels, which are optional key-value pairs.