TSA-ML is a data platform that integrates data from diverse sources. This piece of work demostrates the use of machine learning and data science in the region.
TSA-ML is a data pipeline that...
Transforms and ingest consumer data from surveys drawn from diverse sources, mainly in the East-Asia region. It provides granular data at the level of the individual which allows powerful analytics and predictions.
Links different sources using Resource Description Framework (RDF) and SPARQL W3C standards. Data is stored in a graph database, and data is interconnected using the Schema.org vocabulary.
Automates the data preprocessing phase using Natural Language Processing (NLP), machine learning, and AI.
Below is a list of the datasets currently used in the system.
Region | Source | Owner | Description | Link |
Taiwan | Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS) | Center for Survey Research, Academia Sinica | A longitutindal dataset containing survey data on different social topics such as employment, family, and social networks. The TSCS contains data from the 1980's from individuals and families across Taiwan. | Link |
Taiwan | World Values Survey (WVS) | Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei | Social surveys conducted in 2019, 2012, 2006, and 1998 | Link |
Hong Kong | World Values Survey (WVS) | Department of Government and International Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University | Social surveys conducted in 2018, 2014, and 2005 | Link |
Macao | World Values Survey (WVS) | Faculty of Social Sciences, Avenida da Universidade | Social surveys conducted in 2019 | Link |
China | World Values Survey (WVS) | Public Opinion Research Center of School of International and Public Affairs at Shanghai Jiao Tong University | Social surveys conducted in 2018, 2013, 2007, 2001, 1995, and 1990 | Link |
Please contact us if you want to contribute a dataset. Refer to the below details.
Need to install the following in your environment:
- Python 3.9.6
- R version 4.2.3
- GraphDB 10.3.1
This repository contains the following:
- JSON-LD ingestion files for graph database (
). - Landing web page for this work.
Install and activate virtual environment for TSA-ML graph database.
$ python3 -m venv tsaml
$ source tsaml/bin/activate
Start up GraphDB database instance.
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl start graphdb
To stop and restart GraphDB database instance.
$ sudo systemctl stop graphdb
$ sudo systemctl restart graphdb
$ sudo systemctl status graphdb
$ sudo systemctl enable graphdb
$ journalctl -u graphdb
Graph database can ingest TSA-ML data using a custom developed shell script. Data files for ingestion are located in a directory on the local or remote machine which also contains the GraphDB installation and instance. A GraphDB repository needs to be setup under the name tsa-ml
, including all of the necessary Schema.org namespaces. A directory needs to be setup on the local or remote machine. This directory contains all of the JSON data files.
$ sudo mkdir ~/tsaml_graphdb_ingest
$ sudo chown -R graphdbuser ~/tsaml_graphdb_ingest/
$ sudo chgrp graphdbuser ~/tsaml_graphdb_ingest/
Before executing the endpoint for ingesting JSON data files into GraphDB, need to change the $JAVA
environmental variable in /Applications/GraphDB Desktop.app/Contents/app/bin/setvars.in.sh
to include the following line JAVA="/Applications/GraphDB Desktop.app/Contents/runtime/Contents/Home/bin/java"
. Copy ingest_json_graphdb.sh
and tsal-ml-config.ttl
file to Home directory of remote and local machine to execute importrdf
. Below is a copy of the GraphDB configuration file (.ttl).
# RDF4J configuration template for a GraphDB repository
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>.
@prefix rep: <http://www.openrdf.org/config/repository#>.
@prefix sr: <http://www.openrdf.org/config/repository/sail#>.
@prefix sail: <http://www.openrdf.org/config/sail#>.
@prefix graphdb: <http://www.ontotext.com/config/graphdb#>.
[] a rep:Repository ;
rep:repositoryID "tsa-ml" ;
rdfs:label "TSA-ML project" ;
rep:repositoryImpl [
rep:repositoryType "graphdb:SailRepository" ;
sr:sailImpl [
sail:sailType "graphdb:Sail" ;
graphdb:read-only "false" ;
# Inference and Validation
graphdb:ruleset "rdfsplus-optimized" ;
graphdb:disable-sameAs "true" ;
graphdb:check-for-inconsistencies "false" ;
# Indexing
graphdb:entity-id-size "32" ;
graphdb:enable-context-index "false" ;
graphdb:enablePredicateList "true" ;
graphdb:enable-fts-index "false" ;
graphdb:fts-indexes ("default" "iri") ;
graphdb:fts-string-literals-index "default" ;
graphdb:fts-iris-index "none" ;
# Queries and Updates
graphdb:query-timeout "0" ;
graphdb:throw-QueryEvaluationException-on-timeout "false" ;
graphdb:query-limit-results "0" ;
# Settable in the file but otherwise hidden in the UI and in the RDF4J console
graphdb:base-URL "http://example.org/owlim#" ;
graphdb:defaultNS "" ;
graphdb:imports "" ;
graphdb:repository-type "file-repository" ;
graphdb:storage-folder "storage" ;
graphdb:entity-index-size "10000000" ;
graphdb:in-memory-literal-properties "true" ;
graphdb:enable-literal-index "true" ;
Data can also be ingested using the shell script called ingest_json_graphdb.sh
(see below help documentation).
Usage: TSA-ML endpoint for GraphDB import JSON-LD/RDF files.
Syntax: bash ingest_json_graphdb.sh [-h|r|c|g|i|f]
h Help document for endpoint.
r Folder containing RDF files for import.
c Convert *.json to *.jsonld (y|n).
g GraphDB importrdf directory.
i GraphDB repository name.
f GraphDB repository configuration file.
To execute the shell script use the following command prompt.
$ bash ingest_json_graphdb.sh
-r ~/tsaml_graphdb_ingest/
-c Y
-g /Applications/GraphDB\ Desktop.app/Contents/app/bin/importrdf
-i tsa-ml
-f ~/tsa-ml-config.ttl
Data processing can take some time, as there are 2,395,151 statements.
Data for TSA-ML can be explore using GraphDB Visual graph feature. Make sure Autocomplete index is built before the graph is created.
Please email your questions or comments to ([email protected]).
Thanks for your interest in contributing! There are many ways to get involved; start by sending us an email to the above email address.