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[TrussWorks fork] Terraform Module to provision Lambda Function that routes SNS messages to CloudWatch Logs


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terraform-aws-sns-to-cloudwatch-logs-lambda is a Terraform module to provision a Lambda Function which routes SNS messages to CloudWatch Logs

Exception: if using var.aws_region to specify deployment region, use version = "2.0.1", until you can switch to provider aliases and explicit provider passing.

Terraform Module Features

This Module allows simple and rapid deployment

  • Creates Lambda function, Lambda Layer, IAM Policies, Triggers, and Subscriptions
  • Creates (or use existing) SNS Topic, CloudWatch Log Group and Log Group Stream
  • Options:
    • Create CloudWatch Event to prevent Function hibernation
    • Set Log Group retention period
  • Python function editable in repository and in Lambda UI
    • Python dependencies packages in Lambda Layers zip
  • Optionally create custom Lambda Layer zip using build-lambda-layer-python
    • Enables adding/changing dependencies
    • Enables compiling for different version of Python
  • Breaking Changes in 3.0.0 - required to enable new Terraform 0.13 module arguments for_each, count, and depends_on
    • The module's internal AWS provider block has been removed
    • var.aws_region has been removed and can't be used to set a target region
    • By default, modules inherit the region of the calling module's Provider
    • To specify alternate regions, use provider aliases and expicit provider passing
    • Additional information on module considerations can be found in the docs for Provider Configuration in Modules with 0.13

SNS to CloudWatch Logs Features

This Lambda Function forwards subject & body of SNS messages to CloudWatch Log Group Stream

  • Enhances the value of CloudWatch Logs by enabling easy entry creation from any service, function and script that can send SNS notifications
  • Enables cloud-init, bootstraps and functions to easily write log entries to a centralized CloudWatch Log
  • Simplifies troubleshooting of solutions with decentralized logic
    • scripts and functions spread across instances, Lambda and services
  • Easily add instrumentation to scripts: aws sns publish --topic-arn $TOPIC_ARN --message $LOG_ENTRY
    • Use with IAM instance policy requires --region $AWS_REGION parameter


module "sns_logger" {
  source            = "robertpeteuil/sns-to-cloudwatch-logs-lambda/aws"
  version           = "3.0.1"     # Use with Terraform >= 0.12 (including 0.13)
  # version           = "1.0.1"   # Latest version for Terraform <= 0.11

  sns_topic_name    = "projectx-logging"
  log_group_name    = "projectx"
  log_stream_name   = "script-logs"

NOTE: Make sure you are using version pinning to avoid unexpected changes when the module is updated.

Required Inputs

Name Description Type Default Required
sns_topic_name Name of SNS Topic to be logged by Gateway string - yes
log_group_name Name of CloudWatch Log Group string - yes
log_stream_name Name of CloudWatch Log Stream string - yes

Optional Inputs

Name Description Type Default Required
create_sns_topic Create new SNS topic string true no
create_log_group Create new log group string true no
create_log_stream Create new log stream string true no
log_group_retention_days Log Group retention (days) string 0 (forever) no
lambda_func_name Name for Lambda Function string dynamically calculated no
lambda_description Lambda Function Description string Route SNS messages to CloudWatch Logs no
lambda_tags Mapping of Tags to assign to Lambda function map {} no
lambda_publish_func Publish Lambda Function string false no
lambda_runtime Lambda runtime for Function string python3.8 no
lambda_timeout Function time-out (seconds) string 3 no
lambda_mem_size Function RAM assigned (MB) string 128 no
create_warmer_event Create CloudWatch trigger event to prevent hibernation string false no


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
aws >= 2.31


Name Version
archive n/a
aws >= 2.31


No modules.


Name Type
aws_cloudwatch_event_rule.warmer resource
aws_cloudwatch_event_target.warmer resource
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.sns_logged_item_group resource
aws_cloudwatch_log_stream.sns_logged_item_stream resource
aws_iam_role.lambda_cloudwatch_logs resource
aws_iam_role_policy.lambda_cloudwatch_logs_polcy resource
aws_lambda_function.sns_cloudwatchlog resource
aws_lambda_layer_version.logging_base resource
aws_lambda_permission.sns_cloudwatchlog_multi resource
aws_lambda_permission.warmer_multi resource
aws_sns_topic.sns_log_topic resource
aws_sns_topic_subscription.lambda resource
archive_file.lambda_function data source
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.sns_logged_item_group data source
aws_iam_policy_document.lambda_cloudwatch_logs data source
aws_iam_policy_document.lambda_cloudwatch_logs_policy data source
aws_sns_topic.sns_log_topic data source


Name Description Type Default Required
create_log_group Boolean flag that determines if log group, 'log_group_name' is created. If 'false' it uses an existing group of that name. bool true no
create_log_stream Boolean flag that determines if log stream, 'log_stream_name' is created. If 'false' it uses an existing stream of that name. bool true no
create_sns_topic Boolean flag that determines if SNS topic, 'sns_topic_name' is created. If 'false' it uses an existing topic of that name. bool true no
create_warmer_event Boolean flag that determines if a CloudWatch Trigger event is created to prevent Lambda function from suspending. bool false no
lambda_description Description to assign to Lambda Function. string "" no
lambda_func_name Name to assign to Lambda Function. string "SNStoCloudWatchLogs" no
lambda_mem_size Amount of RAM (in MB) assigned to the function. The default (and minimum) is 128MB, and the maximum is 3008MB. number 128 no
lambda_publish_func Boolean flag that determines if Lambda function is published as a version. bool false no
lambda_runtime Lambda runtime to use for the function. string "python3.8" no
lambda_tags A mapping of tags to assign to Lambda Function. map {} no
lambda_timeout Number of seconds that the function can run before timing out. The AWS default is 3s and the maximum runtime is 5m number 3 no
log_group_name Name of CloudWatch Log Group created or used (if previously created). string n/a yes
log_group_retention_days Number of days to retain data in the log group (0 = always retain). number 0 no
log_stream_name Name of CloudWatch Log Stream created or used (if previously created). If using an existing stream it must exist in the Log group specified in 'log_group_name'. string n/a yes
sns_topic_name Name of SNS Topic logging to CloudWatch Log. string n/a yes


Name Description
cloudwatch_event_rule_arn ARN of CloudWatch Trigger Event created to prevent hibernation.
lambda_arn ARN of created Lambda Function.
lambda_iam_role_arn Lambda IAM Role ARN.
lambda_iam_role_id Lambda IAM Role ID.
lambda_last_modified The date Lambda Function was last modified.
lambda_name Name assigned to Lambda Function.
lambda_version Latest published version of Lambda Function.
log_group_arn ARN of CloudWatch Log Group.
log_group_name Name of CloudWatch Log Group.
log_stream_arn ARN of CloudWatch Log Stream.
log_stream_name Name of CloudWatch Log Stream.
sns_topic_arn ARN of SNS Topic logging to CloudWatch Log.
sns_topic_name Name of SNS Topic logging to CloudWatch Log.


[TrussWorks fork] Terraform Module to provision Lambda Function that routes SNS messages to CloudWatch Logs



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  • HCL 94.0%
  • Python 6.0%