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Tagged for 2018 release parity
💾✅ Data Acquired!
💾✅ Data Acquired!
Data is found and a link is in the ticket.
💾🚛 Data Imported
💾🚛 Data Imported
💾 Data Required
💾 Data Required
This request requires data to be found.
💯 enhancement
💯 enhancement
🤣 Failed QA
🤣 Failed QA
u bad
💸 help wanted
💸 help wanted
🔍Missing Stream
🔍Missing Stream
A good stream isn't here! Where is it? I'll find my stream. Who took my stream?
🌴 offline
🌴 offline
✅ Passed QA
✅ Passed QA
🍆 Performance
🍆 Performance
🗺 Publicly Fishable Land
🗺 Publicly Fishable Land
A possible avenue to get public land that isn't presently in the database.
🤷 Ready for QA
🤷 Ready for QA
A marker that says its ready for qa
🖕 Won't Fix
🖕 Won't Fix
We wont fix this issue.