This project is a Java client for using the server APIs exposed by the Transmission Ratings and Operating Limits Information Exchange (TROLIE). Specifically, it provides an idiomatic Java API to the TROLIE OpenAPI specification, as defined at It also provides extensions for key behaviors of specific ISO/RC implementations, such as authentication.
This client SDK is designed with the intent that it is easy to use in a variety of frameworks, with a low dependency footprint. It should be easy to adapt in most popular Java frameworks, such as Spring Boot or Quarkus, but does not require use of any specific framework.
It is also built with Maven, specifically because it offers the broadest array of compatibility. Maven artifacts can easily be used by other build tools such as Gradle and SBT.
This library will include best practices around usage. This includes:
- Supporting automatic retries on I/O failures.
- Built-in support for compression.
- Built-in support for conditional GETs in TROLIE.