This version of my Windows packer template is tuned for Windows 10 insider builds. Realistically it should work with any build of Windows 10 18917 or higher. The builders I have configured here work with VMware Workstation Linux and Fusion. Note the VM system specs and adjust as needed for your system.
- wsl2
- New Windows terminal
- OpenSSH for Windows
- PowerShell Core 6.2 or later
- v16 Virtual Hardware
- 4 Core CPU & 16GB RAM
- UEFI Bios
- Nested Virtualization enabled
- Enable Virtualization Based Security
- NVME Storage adapter
- DirectX and OpenGL enabled
These are added via the scripts/packages.ps1 file. Adjust to taste but note some are needed for the build process.
- autologon
- notepadplusplus
- 7zip
- git
- googlechrome
- ultradefrag
- sdelete
The reader will need to source an appropriate .iso from Microsoft and place it into the iso directory. Additionally the first 3 variables listed in windows-10-insider.json need to be updated to match the iso and administrator pass you want. Additionally the Administrator password needs to updated to match in both windows-10-insider.json & Autounattend.xml.
Run this command to bake the full image.
packer build -force -only full windows-10-insider.json
Running this command will bake just the OS install and bootstrap config.
packer build -force -only base windows-10-insider.json
This command will fry an existing base image. This is super useful for re-running provisioners when debugging & testing them.
packer build -force -only customize windows-10-insider.json