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Add semi-fast second and slow third approach
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efaulhaber committed Jan 22, 2025
1 parent 234dbb5 commit 5e679d8
Showing 1 changed file with 241 additions and 46 deletions.
287 changes: 241 additions & 46 deletions ext/PointNeighborsCUDAExt.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ using UnsafeAtomics: UnsafeAtomics
using PointNeighbors.KernelAbstractions: KernelAbstractions, @kernel, @index
using PointNeighbors.Adapt: Adapt
using Base: @propagate_inbounds
using PointNeighbors.BenchmarkTools

const UnifiedCuArray = CuArray{<:Any, <:Any, CUDA.UnifiedMemory}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,61 +68,72 @@ end

function atomic_system_add(ptr::CUDA.LLVMPtr{Int32, CUDA.AS.Global}, val::Int32)
" \$0, [\$1], \$2;",
true, Int32, Tuple{CUDA.LLVMPtr{Int32, CUDA.AS.Global}, Int32},
ptr, val
# First approach: Use actual system atomics on unified memory
# function atomic_system_add(ptr::CUDA.LLVMPtr{Int32, CUDA.AS.Global}, val::Int32)
# CUDA.LLVM.Interop.@asmcall(
# " \$0, [\$1], \$2;",
# "=r,l,r,~{memory}",
# true, Int32, Tuple{CUDA.LLVMPtr{Int32, CUDA.AS.Global}, Int32},
# ptr, val
# )
# end

@inline function pushat_atomic_system!(vov, i, value)
(; backend, lengths) = vov
# @inline function pushat_atomic_system!(vov, i, value)
# (; backend, lengths) = vov

@boundscheck checkbounds(vov, i)
# @boundscheck checkbounds(vov, i)

# Increment the column length with an atomic add to avoid race conditions.
# Store the new value since it might be changed immediately afterwards by another
# thread.
# new_length = Atomix.@atomic lengths[i] += 1
new_length = atomic_system_add(pointer(lengths, i), Int32(1)) + 1
# # Increment the column length with an atomic add to avoid race conditions.
# # Store the new value since it might be changed immediately afterwards by another
# # thread.
# # new_length = Atomix.@atomic lengths[i] += 1
# new_length = atomic_system_add(pointer(lengths, i), Int32(1)) + 1

# We can write here without race conditions, since the atomic add guarantees
# that `new_length` is different for each thread.
backend[new_length, i] = value
# # We can write here without race conditions, since the atomic add guarantees
# # that `new_length` is different for each thread.
# backend[new_length, i] = value

return vov
# return vov
# end

const MultiGPUNeighborhoodSearch = GridNeighborhoodSearch{<:Any, <:Any, <:FullGridCellList{<:DynamicVectorOfVectors{<:Any, <:CuArray{<:Any, <:Any, CUDA.UnifiedMemory}}}}
# const MultiGPUNeighborhoodSearch = GridNeighborhoodSearch{<:Any, <:Any, <:FullGridCellList{<:DynamicVectorOfVectors{<:Any, <:CuArray{<:Any, <:Any, CUDA.UnifiedMemory}}}}

function PointNeighbors.initialize_grid!(neighborhood_search::MultiGPUNeighborhoodSearch, y::AbstractMatrix)
(; cell_list) = neighborhood_search
# function PointNeighbors.initialize_grid!(neighborhood_search::MultiGPUNeighborhoodSearch, y::AbstractMatrix)
# (; cell_list) = neighborhood_search

cell_list.cells.lengths .= 0
# cell_list.cells.lengths .= 0

if neighborhood_search.search_radius < eps()
# Cannot initialize with zero search radius.
# This is used in TrixiParticles when a neighborhood search is not used.
return neighborhood_search
# if neighborhood_search.search_radius < eps()
# # Cannot initialize with zero search radius.
# # This is used in TrixiParticles when a neighborhood search is not used.
# return neighborhood_search
# end

# Faster on a single GPU
@threaded CUDABackend() for point in axes(y, 2)
# Get cell index of the point's cell
point_coords = PointNeighbors.extract_svector(y, Val(ndims(neighborhood_search)), point)
cell = PointNeighbors.cell_coords(point_coords, neighborhood_search)
# # Faster on a single GPU
# # CUDA.NVTX.@range "threaded loop" begin
# @threaded y for point in axes(y, 2)
# # Get cell index of the point's cell
# point_coords = PointNeighbors.extract_svector(y, Val(ndims(neighborhood_search)), point)
# cell = PointNeighbors.cell_coords(point_coords, neighborhood_search)

# Add point to corresponding cell
pushat_atomic_system!(cell_list.cells, PointNeighbors.cell_index(cell_list, cell), point)
# # Add point to corresponding cell
# pushat_atomic_system!(cell_list.cells, PointNeighbors.cell_index(cell_list, cell), point)
# end
# # end

return neighborhood_search
# return neighborhood_search
# end

# function PointNeighbors.update_grid!(neighborhood_search::MultiGPUNeighborhoodSearch,
# y::AbstractMatrix; parallelization_backend = y)
# PointNeighbors.initialize_grid!(neighborhood_search, y)
# end

# This might be slightly faster, but causes problems with synchronization in the interaction
# kernel because we are carrying around device memory.
# Second approach: Use a device array to update and copy to unified memory
# struct MultiGPUVectorOfVectors{T, VU, VD} <: AbstractVector{Array{T, 1}}
# vov_unified :: VU
# vov_device :: VD
Expand All @@ -133,9 +145,8 @@ end

# # Adapt.@adapt_structure(MultiGPUVectorOfVectors)

# function Adapt.adapt_structure(to, vov::MultiGPUVectorOfVectors)
# @info "" to
# return MultiGPUVectorOfVectors(Adapt.adapt(to, vov.vov_unified), Adapt.adapt(to, vov.vov_device))
# function Adapt.adapt_structure(to::CUDA.KernelAdaptor, vov::MultiGPUVectorOfVectors)
# return Adapt.adapt(to, vov.vov_unified)
# end

# @propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(vov::MultiGPUVectorOfVectors, i)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,7 +193,7 @@ end

# # The atomic version of `pushat!` uses atomics to avoid race conditions when
# # `pushat!` is used in a parallel loop.
# @inbounds pushat_atomic!(vov_device, cell_index(cell_list, cell), point)
# @inbounds PointNeighbors.pushat_atomic!(vov_device, cell_index(cell_list, cell), point)
# end

# # Copy vector of vectors to unified memory
Expand All @@ -203,4 +214,188 @@ end
# PointNeighbors.initialize_grid!(neighborhood_search, y)
# end

# Third approach: Like second approach, but a device array for each GPU.

# This should have the advantage that each GPU updates the part of the grid that should
# already be in its memory and we can avoid moving everything to the first GPU.
KernelAbstractions.@kernel function generic_kernel2(f, gpu)
i = KernelAbstractions.@index(Global)
@inline f(i, gpu)

@inline function parallel_foreach2(f::T, iterator, vov_per_gpu) where {T}
# On the GPU, we can only loop over `1:N`. Therefore, we loop over `1:length(iterator)`
# and index with `iterator[eachindex(iterator)[i]]`.
# Note that this only works with vector-like iterators that support arbitrary indexing.
indices = eachindex(iterator)

# Skip empty loops
length(indices) == 0 && return

# Partition `ndrange` to the GPUs
n_gpus = length(CUDA.devices())
indices_split = Iterators.partition(indices, ceil(Int, length(indices) / n_gpus))
@assert length(indices_split) <= n_gpus

backend = CUDABackend()

# Synchronize each device
for i in 1:n_gpus
CUDA.device!(i - 1)

# Launch kernel on each device
for (i, indices_) in enumerate(indices_split)
# Select the correct device for this partition
CUDA.device!(i - 1)

# Call the generic kernel, which only calls a function with the global GPU index
generic_kernel2(backend)(vov_per_gpu[i], ndrange = length(indices_)) do j, vov_per_gpu
@inbounds @inline f(iterator[indices_[j]], vov_per_gpu)

# Synchronize each device
for i in 1:n_gpus
CUDA.device!(i - 1)

# Select first device again

struct MultiGPUVectorOfVectors{T, VOV, V} <: AbstractVector{Array{T, 1}}

function MultiGPUVectorOfVectors(vov_unified, vov_per_gpu)
MultiGPUVectorOfVectors{eltype(vov_unified.backend), typeof(vov_unified), typeof(vov_per_gpu)}(vov_unified, vov_per_gpu)

# Adapt.@adapt_structure(MultiGPUVectorOfVectors)

function Adapt.adapt_structure(to::CUDA.KernelAdaptor, vov::MultiGPUVectorOfVectors)
return Adapt.adapt(to, vov.vov_unified)

function Adapt.adapt_structure(to::CUDAMultiGPUBackend, vov::DynamicVectorOfVectors{T}) where {T}
max_inner_length, max_outer_length = size(vov.backend)

n_gpus = length(CUDA.devices())
vov_per_gpu = [DynamicVectorOfVectors{T}(; max_outer_length, max_inner_length) for _ in 1:n_gpus]

vov_unified = DynamicVectorOfVectors(Adapt.adapt(to, vov.backend), Adapt.adapt(to, vov.length_), Adapt.adapt(to, vov.lengths))
vov_per_gpu_ = ntuple(i -> Adapt.adapt(CuArray, vov_per_gpu[i]), n_gpus)
for vov__ in vov_per_gpu_
vov__.length_[] = vov.length_[]

return MultiGPUVectorOfVectors{T, typeof(vov_unified), typeof(vov_per_gpu_)}(vov_unified, vov_per_gpu_)

const MultiGPUNeighborhoodSearch = GridNeighborhoodSearch{<:Any, <:Any, <:FullGridCellList{<:MultiGPUVectorOfVectors}}

function PointNeighbors.initialize_grid!(neighborhood_search::MultiGPUNeighborhoodSearch, y::AbstractMatrix)
(; cell_list) = neighborhood_search
(; cells) = cell_list
(; vov_unified, vov_per_gpu) = cells

for vov_ in vov_per_gpu
vov_.lengths .= 0

if neighborhood_search.search_radius < eps()
# Cannot initialize with zero search radius.
# This is used in TrixiParticles when a neighborhood search is not used.
return neighborhood_search

# Fill cell lists per GPU
parallel_foreach2(axes(y, 2), vov_per_gpu) do point, vov
# Get cell index of the point's cell
point_coords = extract_svector(y, Val(ndims(neighborhood_search)), point)
cell = cell_coords(point_coords, neighborhood_search)

# Add point to corresponding cell
@boundscheck PointNeighbors.check_cell_bounds(cell_list, cell)

# The atomic version of `pushat!` uses atomics to avoid race conditions when
# `pushat!` is used in a parallel loop.
@inbounds PointNeighbors.pushat_atomic!(vov, cell_index(cell_list, cell), point)

lengths = ntuple(gpu -> vov_per_gpu[gpu].lengths, length(vov_per_gpu))
offsets_ = cu(cumsum(lengths), unified = true)
vov_unified.lengths .= offsets_[end]
offsets = offsets_ .- lengths
nonempty = ntuple(gpu -> findall(x -> x > 0, lengths[gpu]), length(vov_per_gpu))

n_gpus = length(CUDA.devices())
backend = CUDABackend()

# Synchronize each device
for i in 1:n_gpus
CUDA.device!(i - 1)

# Launch kernel on each device
for (gpu, indices_) in enumerate(nonempty)
# Select the correct device for this partition
CUDA.device!(gpu - 1)

# Call the generic kernel, which only calls a function with the global GPU index
generic_kernel2(backend)((vov_per_gpu[gpu], offsets[gpu]), ndrange = length(indices_)) do j, (vov, offset_gpu)
cell = @inbounds indices_[j]
offset = offset_gpu[cell]
# offset = offsets[gpu][cell]

points = vov[cell]
# points = vov_per_gpu[gpu][cell]
for i in eachindex(points)
vov_unified.backend[offset + i, cell] = points[i]

# Synchronize each device
for i in 1:n_gpus
CUDA.device!(i - 1)

# Select first device again

# # Merge cell lists
# parallel_foreach2(axes(vov_unified, 2), y, partition = false) do cell, gpu
# offset = offsets[gpu][cell]

# points = vov_per_gpu[gpu][cell]
# for i in eachindex(points)
# vov_unified.backend[offset + i, cell] = points[i]
# end
# end

return neighborhood_search

function PointNeighbors.update!(neighborhood_search::MultiGPUNeighborhoodSearch,
x::AbstractMatrix, y::AbstractMatrix;
points_moving = (true, true), parallelization_backend = x)
# The coordinates of the first set of points are irrelevant for this NHS.
# Only update when the second set is moving.
points_moving[2] || return neighborhood_search

PointNeighbors.initialize_grid!(neighborhood_search, y)

end # module

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