Tricktresor Tree Template in the context of #devtoberfest 2020
providing a tree framework to use common tree features and easily build a tree with class CL_LIST_TREE_MODEL. design a tree with independent nodes of different behaviour. Each node type will be a separate class with general behaviour (define node icon, define items, actions etc.)
- sales order
- item 1
- schedule 1
- schedule 2
- item 2
- schedule 1
- schedule 2
- schedule 3
- item 3 (BOM)
- schedule 1
- schedule 2
- item 1
- partner
- partner 1
- partner 2
- Equipments
- equi 1
- equi 2
- delete node (order, item, partner, ...)
- cancel
- check
node and items update on changes
- also on subsequent nodes...! nodes should know nothing about the structure node actions should be processed by controller not by the icon itself actions may depend on status of parent node(s)
different types of nodes might be mixed together (sales order, delivery, invoices, ... ) (a) show sales order and all subsequent deliveries (b) show deliveries and all preceding sales orders (c) show invoices and related sales orders + deliveries
actions may come from (a) node itself (context menu) (b) tree for marked nodes
what does the controller know? MVC aspect?
- make controller + data independent from used tree display two or more views to compare sales orders actions like "expand all", "collapse all", "find" should be processed on all displayed trees mass processing:
- how to integrate a log?
- which actions succeeded, which failed? how to integrate drag'n'Drop?!?!
- dragging items into "dust bin" to cancel
- assign serial numbers from order a to order b
- build BOM structures
specific nodes with discrete attributes
- transaction
- report
tried to use simple selection (event SELECTION_CHANGED) for changing the current sub screen on dynpro
Displaying repository objects in a tree.
not ready yet. needs double click implemented to display object.
mainly a copy of Demo 04 but with using sub screens generated in the program using SELECTION-SCREEN ... AS SUBSCREEN
- change icon on activation or mark selected entry with different color
- select item via application to display desired subscreen
- set different icon for different status
- entered data correct: green led
- warnings on screen: yellow led
- uncompleted or failure on screen: red led
- data to be maintained: grey led
- using separate interface for kind of control
- get different control for each node (demo 02 - marvel universe)
- get data after selection changed or link click (demo 04 - subscreen)