A command line tool for managing Copr repositories, written in Go. .
cpm [OPTION] [REPO(s)...]
cpm [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
disable Disable one or more Copr repositories without uninstalling them.
enable Enable or add one or more Copr repositories.
help Help about any command
list List installed Copr repositories
--enabled List all enabled repositories (default)
--disabled List all disabled repositories
--all List both disabled and enabled repositories
prune Remove duplicate repository configurations.
remove Uninstall one or more Copr repositories.
--all Remove all installed Copr repositories
[REPO(s)...] One or more repository names formatted as `author/repo`
cpm enable kylegospo/bazzite yalter/niri
cpm disable kylegospo/bazzite
cpm remove kylegospo/bazzite
cpm list --all
go build -o cpm main.go