Mobile - Manage device #1
Device settings
- User is able to see the image and name of his model in device settings
- User can see and interact with all 3 new sections of device settings (PIN protection, Device authenticity check, Firmware)
Change PIN
User can change PIN of the device in Device settings
If user has PIN disabled (not set) he can only Enable
When user clicks on E…
Device settings
- User is able to see the image and name of his model in device settings
- User can see and interact with all 3 new sections of device settings (PIN protection, Device authenticity check, Firmware)
Change PIN
User can change PIN of the device in Device settings
If user has PIN disabled (not set) he can only Enable
When user clicks on Enable he is prompted to continue on Trezor and confirm it there
if user has PIN protection enabled and wants to change on T1, he clicks on Change and is prompted to confirm on Trezor. Then he is prompted to enter current PIN on mobile screen, then enters the new PIN on mobile screen.
If user wants to disable PIN protection on T1, he clicks on Disable and is prompted to confirm it on Trezor device, then enters current PIN on mobile screen.
Other models
If user has PIN protection enabled and wants to change, he clicks on Change and is prompted to confirm on Trezor. Then he is prompted to enter current PIN on Trezor device, then enters new PIN on Trezor Device
If user wants to disable PIN protection, he clicks on Disable and is prompted to confirm it on Trezor device, then enters current PIN on Trezor device
Check device authenticity (=DAC)
- User can trigger DAC from device settings
- Authenticity check is available only for TS family devices (TS3, TS5)
- When user clicks on Check device authenticity he is informed about the purpose of DAC
- When he continues he is prompted to continue and confirm on Trezor Device
- If the DAC is successful, user is informed that the device is genuine and he can continue using it
- If the DAC is not successful, user is informed that device might be compromised and he should contact our customer service
Update FW
- User connects device with supported but older version of FW
- When user connects device with FW app supported but there is newer version of FW available on dashboard message or in device settings
- User can Close the message on Dashboard but when he does not update, the message appears again when he reconnect the device
- User connects device with unsupported FW
- When user connects device with unsupported FW, he can't continue to app is prompted to update FW in order to use the app
- If user has View-only enabled and connects device with no longer supported FW, he is prompted to update the FW on dashboard or he can update it in device settings. User can't close the message on dashboard.
Metrics to track:
- % users that change the PIN (monthly / weekly)
- % users that have PIN protection enable vs. disable (monthly / weekly)
- % users that change enable / disable PIN protection (monthly / weekly)
- % users that Check Device Authenticity (secure element) (monthly / weekly)
- % users that update firmware (monthly)