My first trial run at game dev with C#/C++/Lua
I have a passion for video games and want to some day be a professional developer. Because of my personal perference I chose to develop my "first" game with C#. I figured rather than getting extremely frustrated with mucking around with C/C++ I wanted to develop something with a higher level language to understand core concepts and design around game development. In future cases i hope to do it the right way and stick to C/C++ and scriptint.
If you want to debug/run the current build of the "game", everything (assets) you need to run the game should be included. Clone the latest version of master, run it in VS with a x86 CPU type. Or open the Four Old Dudes Setup project, under the Debug folder, run the exe and Four Old Dudes will install, then run the game as admin so the log manager can log in order to launch the game.
I accept all positive and negative feedback, just drop an issue or email me