This README should help you setup and use this library in your project
- The main aim of this library is to use macro functions while writing Espresso test cases in your project and avoid a whole lot of boiler plate code.
Add the following line in your build.gradle
compile 'com.treebo:espresso-utils:1.0.9'
The list of all the functions that can be used are below -
Function Name | Params | Return Value | Description |
getErrorText | matcher - view which you want to match | String - error text | This method returns the error text of an edittext |
verifyTextFieldErrorMessage | View - edittext to be checked errorText - Expected error text string |
boolean - true/false | This method checks if the error text on an edittext is as expected |
replaceText | matcher - view which you want to match replaceString - String you want the view to be updated with |
void |
This method replaces the text of a view with the specified text |
swipeToElement | matcher - view on which swipe is performed (e.g. RecyclerView) elementToFind - elementToFind is view till which swipe will be performed swipeDirection - direction in which swipe will be performed (top/down/left/right) maxNoOfSwipes - no of maximum swipe attempts |
boolean - true/false if element found | This method swipes to find the final element |
isViewVisible | matcher - view on which swipe is performed | boolean - true/false | Checks if a view is visible |
checkElementAtPosition | matcher - view which you want to match position - position of the element in the recyclerview |
Matcher - Matched view if found | Use this method to check for a particular element in a recyclerview |
clickChildViewWithText | listOfViews - List of Views in which you want to search str - String you want the view to be checked against with |
ViewAction | Use this method to check if a list of views has a view with the given text |
clickChildViewWithId | viewID - Id of the view you want to click | void |
Use this method to click a view given its id |
getText | matcher - view which you want to match | String - text | Use this method to get the text from a view |
enterText | matcher - view which you want to match inputString - String you want to enter |
void |
Use this method to enter text into a view |
tapButton | matcher - view which you want to match | void |
Use this method to get the tap a button |
Want to contribute? Great! Just fork and raise a PR!
- You can reach out to: @Abhi1Nair or [[email protected]]