Multi multi longest common substring, or something that sounds like that.
Longest Common Substring is a well known problem within Computer Science. It's defined as taking two strings as input and returns the one, single longest substring that both strings contain. Multi Longest Common Substring is defined as having two or more strings and returning the one, single longest substring that is contained within all the inputs. In MMLCS, we have two or more input strings and return many substrings that are contained in two or more of the inputs.
To currently do anything fun, I recommend starting with, which has
several supported CLI arguments. python -h
is a good way to get
Running python <input_dir> -o <output_file> -f tsv
will calculate
a bunch of common substrings, which will get written to the specified output
file and how many files that substring showed up in.
There is a couple missing abstractions that I'd like to add. The first being a hash based (such as md5 or sha256), local database of samples and substrings. Essentially a table between hash and content. The second being a hash based mapping between sample hashes, substring hashes, and starting index for that substring. A stretch would to have a table between hash and metadata, such as content length and maybe other hash types of the same content.
python /input_dir/ -m -n 3 -t -o tmp_hex_db -c substr_content_dir
cut -f2 tmp_hex_db | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | python -n40
python -k 20 tmp_hex_db --gen -c substr_content_dir