####Combines the following project:####
First, install Composer (How to install Composer on Ubuntu, Debian or Windows 7/8). That's some kind of PHP standard now and there's no reason to work without Composer. If you think "I don't need/want Composer" then you are doing something seriously wrong!
Copy this repo into a public accessible folder on your server. Common techniques are a) downloading and extracting the .zip / .tgz by hand, b) cloning the repo with git (into var/www)
git clone https://github.com/tonjo/charisma-mvc /var/www
Install mod_rewrite, for example by following this guideline: How to install mod_rewrite in Ubuntu
Run the SQL statements in the application/_install folder. If you're using SQLite, you can simply
# sqlite3 charisma-mvc.db < application/_install/02-create-users-table.sql`
Change the .htaccess file from
RewriteBase /charisma-mvc/
to where you put this project, relative to the web root folder (usually /var/www). So when you put this project into the web root, like directly in /var/www, then the line should look like or can be commented out:
RewriteBase /
If you have put the project into a sub-folder, then put the name of the sub-folder here:
RewriteBase /sub-folder/
In a SQLite environment, to prevent download of the database file, define a section like this:
<Files "charisma-mvc.db">
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from all
- Edit the application/config/config.php, change this line
define('URL', '');
to where your project is. Real domain, IP or when developing locally. Make sure you put the sub-folder in here (when installing in a sub-folder) too, also don't forget the trailing slash !
- Edit the application/config/config.php, change these lines
// SQLite example: no DB_HOST, DB_USER and DB_PASS, just DB_TYPE and DB_NAME
define('DB_TYPE', 'sqlite');
define('DB_NAME', 'charisma-mvc.db');
or these ones:
// MySQL example
define('DB_TYPE', 'mysql');
define('DB_HOST', '');
define('DB_NAME', 'charisma-mvc');
define('DB_USER', 'root');
define('DB_PASS', 'mysql');
according to your database choice and setting.
- Run
composer install
on the command line while being in the root of your project.
I recommend you the well-explained php-mvc-advanced tutorial by panique.
SQLite does not have a rowCount() method (!). Keep that in mind in case you use SQLite.
Don't use the same name for class and method, as this might trigger an (unintended)
of the class. This is really weird behaviour, but documented here: php.net - Constructors and Destructors. -
Change the default theme in charisma.js file
To add external libraries/tools/whatever into your project in an extremely clean way, simply add a line with the repo name and version to the composer.json! Take a look on these tutorials if you want to get into Composer: How to install (and update) Composer on Windows 7 or Ubuntu / Debian and Getting started with Composer.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2 License. This means you can use and modify it for free in private or commercial projects.