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####Combines the following project:####


  1. First, install Composer (How to install Composer on Ubuntu, Debian or Windows 7/8). That's some kind of PHP standard now and there's no reason to work without Composer. If you think "I don't need/want Composer" then you are doing something seriously wrong!

  2. Copy this repo into a public accessible folder on your server. Common techniques are a) downloading and extracting the .zip / .tgz by hand, b) cloning the repo with git (into var/www)

git clone /var/www
  1. Install mod_rewrite, for example by following this guideline: How to install mod_rewrite in Ubuntu

  2. Run the SQL statements in the application/_install folder. If you're using SQLite, you can simply

    # sqlite3 charisma-mvc.db < application/_install/02-create-users-table.sql`
  3. Change the .htaccess file from

RewriteBase /charisma-mvc/

to where you put this project, relative to the web root folder (usually /var/www). So when you put this project into the web root, like directly in /var/www, then the line should look like or can be commented out:

RewriteBase /

If you have put the project into a sub-folder, then put the name of the sub-folder here:

RewriteBase /sub-folder/

In a SQLite environment, to prevent download of the database file, define a section like this:

<Files "charisma-mvc.db">
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from all
  1. Edit the application/config/config.php, change this line
define('URL', '');

to where your project is. Real domain, IP or when developing locally. Make sure you put the sub-folder in here (when installing in a sub-folder) too, also don't forget the trailing slash !

  1. Edit the application/config/config.php, change these lines
// SQLite example: no DB_HOST, DB_USER and DB_PASS, just DB_TYPE and DB_NAME
define('DB_TYPE', 'sqlite');
define('DB_NAME', 'charisma-mvc.db');

or these ones:

// MySQL example
define('DB_TYPE', 'mysql');
define('DB_HOST', '');
define('DB_NAME', 'charisma-mvc');
define('DB_USER', 'root');
define('DB_PASS', 'mysql');

according to your database choice and setting.

  1. Run composer install on the command line while being in the root of your project.

A quickstart tutorial

I recommend you the well-explained php-mvc-advanced tutorial by panique.

Useful information

  1. SQLite does not have a rowCount() method (!). Keep that in mind in case you use SQLite.

  2. Don't use the same name for class and method, as this might trigger an (unintended) __construct of the class. This is really weird behaviour, but documented here: - Constructors and Destructors.

  3. Change the default theme in charisma.js file

Add external libraries via Composer

To add external libraries/tools/whatever into your project in an extremely clean way, simply add a line with the repo name and version to the composer.json! Take a look on these tutorials if you want to get into Composer: How to install (and update) Composer on Windows 7 or Ubuntu / Debian and Getting started with Composer.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2 License. This means you can use and modify it for free in private or commercial projects.


A PHP MVC boilerplate powered with charisma template







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