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adding files related the simulated RIR experiment to the Aspire folder #1

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305 changes: 305 additions & 0 deletions egs/aspire/s5/local/multi_condition/rirs/IR_stats.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
function [rt,drr,cte,cfs,edt] = IR_stats(x, fs, varargin)
%function [rt,drr,cte,cfs,edt] = IR_stats(filename, varargin)
%function [rt,drr,cte,cfs,edt] = IR_stats(x, fs, varargin)
% Calculate RT, DRR, Cte, and EDT for impulse response file
% RT = IR_STATS(FILENAME) returns the reverberation time (to -60 dB)
% using a method based on ISO 3382-1:2009. The function uses reverse
% cumulative trapezoidal integration to estimate the decay curve, and a
% linear least-square fit to estimate the slope between 0 dB and -60 dB.
% Estimates are taken in octave bands and the overall figure is an
% average of the 500 Hz and 1 kHz bands.
% FILENAME should be the full path to an audio file or the name of an
% audio file on the Matlab search path. The file can be of any format
% supported by the AUDIOREAD function, and have any number of channels;
% estimates (and plots) will be returned for each channel.
% The function returns a 1xN vector of RTs, where N is the number of
% channels in the audio file.
% The function determines the direct sound as the peak of the squared
% impulse response.
% [RT,DRR] = IR_STATS(FILENAME) returns the direct-to-reverberant-ratio
% DRR for the impulse; DRR is the same size as RT. This is calculated
% in the following way:
% DRR = 10 * log10( X(T0-C:T0+C)^2 / X(T0+C+1:end)^2 )
% where X is the approximated integral of the impulse, T0 is the time of
% the direct impulse, and C=2.5ms [1].
% [RT,DRR,CTE] = IR_STATS(FILENAME) returns the early-to-late index CTE
% for the impulse; CTE is the same size as RT. This is calculated in
% the following way:
% CTE = 10 * log10( X(T0-C:T0+TE)^2 / X(T0+TE+1:end)^2 )
% where TE is 50 ms.
% [RT,DRR,CTE,CFS] = IR_STATS(FILENAME) returns the octave-band centre
% frequencies CFS used in the calculation of RT.
% [RT,DRR,CTE,CFS,EDT] = IR_STATS(FILENAME) returns the early decay
% time EDT, which is the same size as RT. The slope of the decay curve
% is determined from the fit between 0 and -10 dB. The decay time is
% calculated from the slope as the time required for a 60 dB decay.
% ... = IR_STATS(...,'PARAMETER',VALUE) allows numerous
% parameters to be specified. These parameters are:
% 'graph' : {false} | true
% Controls whether decay curves are plotted. Specifically, graphs
% are plotted of the impulse response, decay curves, and linear
% least-square fit for each octave band and channel of the audio
% file. If the EDT output is specified, the EDT fit will also be
% plotted.
% 'te' : {0.05} | scalar
% Specifies the early time limit (in seconds).
% 'spec' : {'mean'} | 'full'
% Determines the nature of RT and EDT outputs. With spec='mean'
% (default) the reported RT and EDT are the mean of the 500 Hz
% and 1 kHz bands. With spec='full', the function returns the
% RT and EDT as calculated for each octave band returned in
% CFS; RT and EDT have size [M N] where M=length(CFS).
% 'y_fit' : {[0 60]} | two-element vector
% Specifies the decibel range over which the decay curve should
% be evaluated. For example, 'y_fit' may be [-5 -25] or [-5 -35]
% corresponding to the RT20 and RT30 respectively.
% 'correction' : {0.0025} | scalar
% Specifies the correction parameter C (in seconds) given above
% for DRR and CTE calculations. Values of up to 10 ms have been
% suggested in the literature.
% Octave-band filters are calculated according to ANSI S1.1-1986 and IEC
% standards. Note that the OCTDSGN function recommends centre frequencies
% fc in the range fs/200 < fc < fs/5.
% The author would like to thank Feifei Xiong for his input on the
% correction parameter.
% References
% [1] Zahorik, P., 2002: 'Direct-to-reverberant energy ratio
% sensitivity', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
% 112, 2110-2117.

% =========================================================================
% Last changed: $Date: 2015-06-19 12:05:24 +0100 (Fri, 19 Jun 2015) $
% Last committed: $Revision: 387 $
% Last changed by: $Author: ch0022 $
% =========================================================================

%% validate inputs and set options

% check file exists
%assert(exist(filename,'file')==2,['IR_stats: ' filename ' does not exist'])

% set defaults
options = struct(...
'y_fit',[0 -60],...

% read parameter/value inputs
if nargin>1 % if parameters are specified
% read the acceptable names
optionNames = fieldnames(options);
% count arguments
nArgs = length(varargin);
if round(nArgs/2)~=nArgs/2
error('IR_STATS needs propertyName/propertyValue pairs')
% overwrite defults
for pair = reshape(varargin,2,[]) % pair is {propName;propValue}
IX = strcmpi(pair{1},optionNames); % find match parameter names
if any(IX)
% do the overwrite
options.(optionNames{IX}) = pair{2};
error('%s is not a recognized parameter name',pair{1})

%% read in audio file

% read in impulse
%[x,fs] = audioread(filename);
assert(fs>=5000,'Sampling frequency is too low. FS must be at least 5000 Hz.')

% set te in samples
te = round(options.te*fs);

% Check sanity of te
assert(te<length(x),'The specified early time limit te is longer than the duration of the impulse!')

% get number of channels
numchans = size(x,2);

%% set up octave-band filters

% octave-band center frequencies
cfs = [31.25 62.5 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 16000];

% octave-band filter order
N = 3;

% limit centre frequencies so filter coefficients are stable
cfs = cfs(cfs>fs/200 & cfs<fs/5);
cfs = cfs(:);

% calculate filter coefficients
a = zeros(length(cfs),(2*N)+1);
b = zeros(length(cfs),(2*N)+1);
for f = 1:length(cfs)
[b(f,:),a(f,:)] = octdsgn(cfs(f),fs,N);

%% perform calculations

% empty matrices to fill
z = zeros([length(cfs) size(x)]);
rt_temp = zeros([length(cfs) numchans]);
edt = zeros([length(cfs) numchans]);
t0 = zeros(1,numchans);
drr = zeros(1,numchans);
cte = zeros(1,numchans);

correction = round(options.correction*fs);

% filter and integrate
for n = 1:numchans
t0(n) = find(x(:,n).^2==max(x(:,n).^2)); % find direct impulse
if options.graph
scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');
figpos = [((n-1)/numchans)*scrsz(3) scrsz(4) scrsz(3)/2 scrsz(4)];
figure('Name',['Channel ' num2str(n)],'OuterPosition',figpos);
for f = 1:length(cfs)
y = filter(b(f,:),a(f,:),x(:,n)); % octave-band filter
temp = cumtrapz(y(end:-1:1).^2); % decay curve
z(f,:,n) = temp(end:-1:1);
[rt_temp(f,n),E_rt,fit_rt] = calc_decay(z(f,t0:end,n),options.y_fit,60,fs); % estimate RT
[edt(f,n),E_edt,fit_edt] = calc_decay(z(f,t0:end,n),[0,-10],60,fs); % estimate EDT
if options.graph % plot
% time axes for different vectors
ty = ((0:length(y)-1)-t0(n))./fs;
tE_rt = (0:length(E_rt)-1)./fs;
tE_edt = (0:length(E_edt)-1)./fs;
% plot
plot(ty,y,'k') % octave-band impulse
if f==1
title({'Impulse response'; ''; [num2str(cfs(f)) ' Hz octave band']})
title([num2str(cfs(f)) ' Hz octave band'])
if f==length(cfs)
xlabel('Time [s]')
set(gca,'position',[1 1 1 1.05].*get(gca,'position'),'xlim',[min(ty) max(ty)]);
% energy decay and linear least-square fit
if nargout==5
% plot EDT fit if EDT wanted
% title for top row
if f==1
title({'Decay curve'; ''; [num2str(cfs(f)) ' Hz octave band']})
title([num2str(cfs(f)) ' Hz octave band'])
% x label for bottom row
if f==length(cfs)
xlabel('Time [s]')
ylabel('Energy [dB]')
set(gca,'position',[1 1 1 1.05].*get(gca,'position'),'ylim',[-70 0],'xlim',[0 max(tE_rt)]);
% choose legend according to EDT request
fitstr = num2str(abs(diff(options.y_fit)));
if nargout==5
legend('Energy decay curve',['Linear fit (RT' fitstr ')'],'Linear fit (EDT)','location','northeast')
legend('Energy decay curve',['Linear fit (RT' fitstr ')'],'location','northeast')
if nargout>=2
drr(n) = 10.*log(...
% Cte
if nargout>=3
if t0(n)+te+1>size(x,1)
warning(['Early time limit (te) out of range in channel ' num2str(n) '. Try lowering te.'])
cte(n) = NaN;
cte(n) = 10.*log(...

%% write output

switch lower(options.spec)
case 'full'
rt = rt_temp;
case 'mean'
rt = mean(rt_temp(cfs==500 | cfs==1000,:)); % overall RT
edt = mean(edt(cfs==500 | cfs==1000,:)); % overall EDT
error('Unknown ''spec'': must be ''full'' or ''mean''.')


function [t,E,fit] = calc_decay(z,y_fit,y_dec,fs)
% CALC_DECAY calculate decay time from decay curve
% Returns the time for a specified decay y_dec calculated
% from the fit over the range y_fit. The input is the
% integral of the impulse sample at fs Hz. The function also
% returns the energy decay curve in dB and the corresponding
% fit.

E = 10.*log10(z); % put into dB
E = E-max(E); % normalise to max 0
E = E(1:find(isinf(E),1,'first')-1); % remove trailing infinite values
IX = find(E<=max(y_fit),1,'first'):find(E<=min(y_fit),1,'first'); % find yfit x-range
if isempty(IX)
error('Impulse response has insufficient dynamic range to evaluate to %i dB',min(y_fit))

% calculate fit over yfit
x = reshape(IX,1,length(IX));
y = reshape(E(IX),1,length(IX));
p = polyfit(x,y,1);
fit = polyval(p,1:2*length(E)); % actual fit
fit2 = fit-max(fit); % fit anchored to 0dB

diff_y = abs(diff(y_fit)); % dB range diff
t = (y_dec/diff_y)*find(fit2<=-diff_y,1,'first')/fs; % estimate decay time

fit = fit(1:length(E));


45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions egs/aspire/s5/local/multi_condition/rirs/octdsgn.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
function [B,A] = octdsgn(Fc,Fs,N);
% OCTDSGN Design of an octave filter.
% [B,A] = OCTDSGN(Fc,Fs,N) designs a digital octave filter with
% center frequency Fc for sampling frequency Fs.
% The filter are designed according to the Order-N specification
% of the ANSI S1.1-1986 standard. Default value for N is 3.
% Warning: for meaningful design results, center values used
% should preferably be in range Fs/200 < Fc < Fs/5.
% Usage of the filter: Y = FILTER(B,A,X).
% Requires the Signal Processing Toolbox.

% Author: Christophe Couvreur, Faculte Polytechnique de Mons (Belgium)
% [email protected]
% Last modification: Aug. 22, 1997, 9:00pm.

% References:
% [1] ANSI S1.1-1986 (ASA 65-1986): Specifications for
% Octave-Band and Fractional-Octave-Band Analog and
% Digital Filters, 1993.

if (nargin > 3) | (nargin < 2)
error('Invalide number of arguments.');
if (nargin == 2)
N = 3;
if (Fc > 0.70*(Fs/2))
error('Design not possible. Check frequencies.');

% Design Butterworth 2Nth-order octave filter
% Note: BUTTER is based on a bilinear transformation, as suggested in [1].
%W1 = Fc/(Fs/2)*sqrt(1/2);
%W2 = Fc/(Fs/2)*sqrt(2);
pi = 3.14159265358979;
beta = pi/2/N/sin(pi/2/N);
alpha = (1+sqrt(1+8*beta^2))/4/beta;
W1 = Fc/(Fs/2)*sqrt(1/2)/alpha;
W2 = Fc/(Fs/2)*sqrt(2)*alpha;
[B,A] = butter(N,[W1,W2]);
