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Lazy loading youtube

The script prevents all files from being downloaded from yotube while the page is loading. Only by clicking on the appropriate movie, you recharge the necessary codes to display the movie. It's also possible to put a movie on a layer and a few other options to control the appearance - all info below.


See the demo - example

close the lightbox by pressing the ESC key

How to configure it?

First, add CSS and JS

<!-- CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./path/to/youtubeLazy.min.css">

<!-- JS -->
<script src="./path/to/youtubeLazy.min.js"></script>

You can download from CDN as well

<!-- CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/css/youtubeLazy.min.css"/>

<!-- JS -->
<script src="[email protected]/dist/js/youtubeLazy.min.js"></script>

Add a div with the appropriate json

  • "id": "TUIbj4mviXU" - id is the id of the movie you can find it in every youtube link
  • "local": true - parameter that tells the library that the movie should play in the same div as the thumbnail, not in the lightbox, default: true for all videos
  • "maxWidth": 50 - the video opens to the given width, it is a percentage, in this example 50%, if there is no number then the video opens to the whole window - 100%. You can also set a global maxWidth for all videos that open in the lightbox. Just add the same maxWidth: 80 parameter to option, see the example below
  • "openIn" - this parameter allows you to display a button which, when clicked, directly opens the youtube page with the movie. For full functionality you need the corresponding parameter also added to js, see below createWatchIn: () => {}
  • "title" - the title of the video, it is displayed top of container`
  • "picture" - the parameter is responsible for generating a thumbnail. TRUE - generates picture + source + img. FALSE - only generate an img thumbnail
  • onResize - this function allows you to change the way the movie is started. We check the width of the window, in the example we set it to 800px, if this value is smaller than assumed, the movie will open in the same place without a lightbox, if greater than 800px, we will open the movie in the lighbox.
<!-- default -->
<div class="ytLazy__item" data-yt='{ "id": "TUIbj4mviXU" }'></div>

<!-- open the movie in lightbox layer -->
<div class="ytLazy__item" data-yt='{ "id": "XHeDps0fX6c", "local": false }'></div>

<!-- set max-width -->
<div class="ytLazy__item" data-yt='{ "id": "XHeDps0fX6c", "maxWidth": 50 }'></div>

<!-- add button "Watch in ..." -->
<div class="ytLazy__item" data-yt='{ "id": "XHeDps0fX6c", "openIn": true }'></div>

<!-- add title -->
<div class="ytLazy__item" data-yt='{ "id": "XHeDps0fX6c", "title": "Movie title ;)" }'></div>

<!-- add picture -->
<div class="ytLazy__item" data-yt='{ "id": "XHeDps0fX6c", "picture": true }'></div>

off course you can mix all of them

Add a library, configuration options that are not required and call the library

<svg xmlns="" style="display: none;">
  <symbol id="youtube-logo" viewBox="0 0 300 67">
    <path ... />

<script src="./path/to/youtubeLazy.min.js"></script>

  // options are optional
  const options = {
    // you can add color with opacity, default: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.9)'
    // rgba, hsla
    background: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)',

    // global setting for the width of the displayed
    // movie as a percentage default 90%
    maxWidth: 80

    // hide overflow to body when open lightbox
    // default false
    overflow: true,
    // open the movie in a local place
    // default local: true
    local: false,

    // genereate picture > source
    picture: true,

    // create your own button to open youtube video page
    createWatchIn: ({ index, link, template }) => {
      // based on the index, you can insert 
      // a different template with the button's
      // appearance or color change
        <div class="ytLazy__watch-in">
          <a href='${link}' class="ytLazy__watch-in-link" target="_blank">
            <span>Watch in</span>
            <svg><use xlink:href="#youtube-logo"></use></svg>
    onResize: () => {
      let responsiveMin = 800;

      // we check the width of the browser window
      const windowWidth =
        window.innerWidth ||
        document.documentElement.clientWidth ||

      // we return the logical value "true/false"
      // if "true" then the movie is opened in the place 
      // of display, if "false" the movie is opened in lightbox
      const widthWindow = windowWidth < responsiveMin ? true : false;

      return widthWindow;

  // ytLazy__item youtube class div with options
  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', new ytLazy('ytLazy__item', options));

  // or without options
  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', new ytLazy('ytLazy__item'));

Browser support

youtubeLazy supports all major browsers including IE 11 and above.

If you need IE support, add this pollyfil to html

<script type="text/javascript">
  if (window.Element && !Element.prototype.closest) {
    var script = document.createElement('script');
    script.src = '';

local files

  • dist/js/
  • dist/css/



This project is available under the MIT license.