This is a containerized version of Osclass This container has all the needed configuration to run smoothly this awesome open source classifieds site for free. This containarized version of Osclass is based in the tutum-docker-lamp container
To create the image morfeo8marc/osclass-docker
, execute the following command on the osclass-docker folder that you have created by cloning the project with git clone
docker build -t morfeo8marc/osclass-docker .
Start your image binding the external ports 80 and 3306 in all interfaces to your container:
docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 3306:3306 morfeo8marc/osclass-docker --name osclass-docker
The --name
argument is used to give the container a human remembeable name beside the UUI that dockers generated for every container.
Test your deployment open your browser an go to http://localhost/. If you see the following site everything is installed correctly so far. Only the installation for your personal osclass site is needed.
The first time that you run your container, two new users admin
with all privileges and osclass
with all the privilege to access the osclassdb database,will be created in MySQL with a random password. To get the password, check the logs of the container by running:
docker logs osclass-docker
You will see an output like the following:
You can now connect to this MySQL Server using:
mysql -uadmin -p47nnf4FweaKu -h<host> -P<port>
Please remember to change the above password as soon as possible!
MySQL user 'root' has no password but only allows local connections
You can now connect to this MySQL Server using:
mysql -uosclass -pJMf5FsRYEKQY -h<host> -P<port>
Please remember to change the above password as soon as possible!
MySQL user 'root' has no password but only allows local connections
In this case, 47nnf4FweaKu
is the password allocated to the admin
You can then connect to MySQL:
mysql -uadmin -p47nnf4FweaKu
Remember that the root
user does not allow connections from outside the container - you should use this admin
user instead!
If you want to connect with the osclass
mysql -uosclass -pJMf5FsRYEKQY
If you want to use a preset password instead of a random generated one, you can set the environment variable MYSQL_PASS
to your specific password to the admin user and
osclass` user when running the container:
docker run -d -p 80:80 -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_PASS="mypass" -e MYSQL_OSCLASS_USER="myosclasspass" morfeo8marc/osclass-docker
You can now test your new admin password:
mysql -uadmin -p"mypass"
You can now test your new admin password:
mysql -uosclass -p"myosclasspass"
To fully install the osclass classified site, you must go trough the osclass's installation process. It's is very easy, you wil just need:
- Database name.
- Database user name.
- Database user name's password.
To get this data you can get it form the container log:
docker logs $CONTAINER_ID
You will see an output like the following:
This information will be needed in the Osclass installation process.
Go to http://localhost
You will need the following information:
Database name: osclassdb
User name: osclass
Password: JMf5FsRYEKQY
Once you have all the needed data for the installation do:
- Go to osclass home page
Go to http://localhost or if you have a domain for the host where you have build o pulled your docker image
You must see the following message and click on the
button. Don't worry about the error message, it is just pointg out that this is a fresh installation that need to be configured:
- Once you hace clicked in the install button, oscclass will perform a requiremt check. It must pass 100% because we have take care fro you to configure all the stuff that Osclass needs.
If all passes click on the
Run the install
button. - Now it's time to configure the database. At this point is where you will the information. retrieved from the log.
- Only on step is left, the Osclass user and contact info information. Fill up the admin username and password as well as the contact information with a web title and a valid contact e-amil. And finally choce your base locations for your classifieds.
- That's it. You have a fresh awesome Osclass installation.
Now you go to the backend clicking te
Finish and go to the administration panel
. When entering you admin credentials you will see: Or visiting your homepage, where now no error message will be printed and you will just see your Osclass homepage.
is enabled by default. To disable .htacess
, you can remove the following contents from Dockerfile
# config to enable .htaccess
ADD apache_default /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
RUN a2enmod rewrite