F# Date Type Provider which provides strong type checking for dates.
After watching this video from Scott Meyers where he showed an example of a strongly typed datetime class I thought this is a good fit for an F# Type Provider.
open DateProvider
// dates can be represented with month digits
// or with month names
// does not compile
// you can also return a DateTimeOffset
// you can also provide a century parameter
type C21 = Date<century = Century.``21``> // returns years from 2001 to 2100
printfn "%A" <| C21.``2012``.November.``01``.ToDateTime()
type C18 = Date<century = Century.``18``> // returns years from 1701 to 1800
printfn "%A" <| C18.``1789``.July.``14``.ToDateTime()
// you can force a century even if it is not defined in the enum
let [<Literal>] c80: Century = enum 80
type C80 = Date<century = c80>
printfn "%A" <| C80.``7908``.July.``14``.ToDateTime()
// providing a Century value which is not in the valid range (1 to 99) the provider falls back to the current century
let [<Literal>] c100: Century = enum 100
type C100 = Date<century = c100>
printfn "%A" <| C100.``2004``.July.``14``.ToDateTime()
The Type Provider returns a Date
record with the Fields Year
, Month
and Day
. You can call the methods ToDateTime()
and ToDateTimeOffset(?offset)
to return a DateTime
or a DateTimeOffset
Likewise you can write your own extension method to return a NodaTime LocalDate
open NodaTime
type FSharp.DateTypeProvider.Date with
member self.ToLocalDate() =
LocalDate(self.Year, self.Month, self.Day)
printfn "%A" <| Date.``2013``.February.``01``.ToLocalDate()