Let's get your blog optimized for PC, iPhone, iPad, and Android. This theme requires the dynamic publishing and DynamicMTML addon.
Please see the documentation for more details:
- http://www.movabletype.org/documentation/smartphone/ (English)
- http://movabletype.jp/documentation/smartphone/ (Japanese)
This theme requires:
- Movable Type 5.12 or higher
- Dynamic MTML addon 1.5.6 or higher
- mod_rewrite module when you are using apache
- URL Rewrite module when you are using Windows IIS
This theme uses Movable Type's dynamic publishing function. Please make sure that your server allows to:
- use .htaccess files
- specify php_flag either in .htaccess or in php.ini
This theme may cause "500 Internal Server Error" if your server is not configured correctly. Please back-up your current blog templates to restore your blog and remove the following files to recover from the error.
- .htacess
- .mtview.php
This theme requires the DynamicMTML addon. Download the latest version from the following github repository.
- Unpack the archive and upload or copy "DynamicMTML.pack" folder to your MT's addons folder ( /path/to/mt/addons ) .
- Create a new folder called "powercms_files" under your MT's root folder ( /path/to/mt/powercms_files ) and grant a write permission from your Movable Type.
- Sign-in to MT to complete the database update, and confirm that there is "DynamicMTML Pack x.x.x" in your MT's footer.
Download the latest version from this repository.
- Unpack the mt-theme-smart-blog archive.
- Upload or copy the mt-theme-smart-blog/themes/smart_blog folder to your MT's themes folder ( /path/to/mt/themes )
- Sign in and create a new blog with "Smart Blog" theme
- Make sure that "Enable DynamicMTML (Create the file .htaccess underneath your blog directory)" option is checked in "Settings" > "General".
If your Movable Type is running under suEXEC or CGIWrap environment such as on the shared hosting, you must set proper permission to your blog folder. If you encounter "500 Internal Server Error" with those environments, please try the following configuration directives in your mt-config.cgi
DirUmask 0072
HTMLPerms 0777
HTMLUmask 0022
UploadPerms 0777
UploadUmask 0022
Some shared hosting prohibit to use "Options" directive in .htaccess. In that case, please comment out the following statement in "DynamicMTML .htaccess" template. There are four lines to be commented out.
This line should be commented out:
Options -Indexes +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
# Options -Indexes +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Also php_flag directive might be prohibited. There are four lines to be commented out.
This line should be commented out:
php_flag short_open_tag off
# php_flag short_open_tag off
Once it is removed from the .htaccess, you should specify it in php.ini file for your security.
If your blog is published under the user directory such as "http://example.com/~nelson/website/blog/" or under the apache alias, you need to specify the path in "DynamicMTML Bootstrapper" template. For example if your blog has:
- Site URL: http://example.com/~nelson/website/blog/
- Site Path: /home/nelson/website/blog
You need to specify as following:
$alias_name = '/~nelson/website/blog/'; $alias_path = '/home/nelson/website/blog';
If you decided not to use smart blog theme, you can simply re-apply the other theme and remove the following two files under your blog root. This will also resolve most of "500 Internal Server Error".
- .htacess
- .mtview.php
You need following steps to use this theme on Windows IIS.
- Start IIS Manager
- Select your blog directory from your site
- Open "Rewrite URL"
- Click "Import rules"
- Select .htaccess file in your blog root and click import
- Select "Apply"
Open web.config file with a editor, and modify as following:
The following block should be modified
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false">
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The following copyright notice applies to all the files provided in this distribution, including binary files, unless explicitly noted otherwise.
Copyright 2011-2013 Six Apart, Ltd.