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Install miniconda. Then, you can install all packages required by running:
conda env create -f environment.yml && conda activate thor-magni-tools
First, the most important step is to download the dataset from zenodo. Run:
curl -O\?download\=1 && unzip -r && rm -rf
The CSV files for each Scenario can be found in THOR_MAGNI\CSVs_Scenarios
To check the alignment and consistency of headers in the csv files:
python -m thor_magni_tools.run_header_check --dir_path=PATH_TO_SCENARIO_FOLDER --sc_id=Scenario_1
To preprocess the data with interpolation (and optional downsampling and moving average filter), first one should set the parameters in the cfg file and then run:
python -m thor_magni_tools.run_preprocessing
If in_path is a folder, it will preprocess the files in the folder in parallel.
After finishing, the files will be stored in the pre-specified output path with the
format | time | frame_id | x | y | z | ag_id | agent_type, where ag_id
is the helmet number and agent_type
is the role of the participant.
python -m thor_magni_tools.run_analysis --data_path=DATASET_FOLDER OR DATASET FILE --dataset DATASET_NAME
in {"thor_magni", "thor", "eth_ucy", "sdd", "atc"}.
Optional Arguments:
Parameter | Default | Description |
--interpolation |
None | used to preprocess the dataset. Max frames without tracking |
--average_window |
None | used to preprocess the dataset. Number of periods to average |
--filtering_markers |
3D-restoration | filtering markers type used in THÖR/THÖR-MAGNI tracks |
- This is only available for the latest Zenodo version.
- If you already have the `thor-magni-tools' conda environment installed, run:
conda activate thor-magni-tools && pip install opencv-python
To run the latest visualization tool, which allows you to view frame-by-frame the participant(s) wearing eye-tracking glasses, including their 6D head pose and 3D gaze (top), along with the corresponding 2D gaze (bottom), use the following command:
python -m thor_magni_tools.thor_magni_gazes.visualize --raw_file PATH_TO_CSV_RAW_FILE --max_nans_interpolate NUMBER_OF_MAX_QTM_FRAMES_TO_INTERPOLATE --visualization_step NUMBER_OF_FRAMES_LEAP_VISUALIZATION
Optional Arguments:
Parameter | Default | Description |
--max_nans_interpolate |
100 | max QTM (trajectory) frames to interpolate |
--visualization_step |
10 | visualization frames leap |
We present THÖR-MAGNI Act, an extension of the original THÖR-MAGNI dataset containing 8.3 hours of manually labeled participant actions derived from egocentric videos recorded with eye-tracking glasses.
We demonstrate the utility of THÖR-MAGNI Act for two tasks: action-conditioned trajectory prediction and joint action and trajectory prediction and joint action and trajectory prediction in this paper and repo.
Run data merging:
python -m thor_magni_tools.run_actions_merging --actions_path PATH_TO_ACTIONS_FILE_MERGER --files_dir PATH_TO_TRAJECTORIES_DIR --out_path PATH_TO_OUTPUT_FILES
- ACTIONS_FILE_MERGER: QTM_frames_activities.csv
storing the csv files from the preprocessing step