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lemmy committed Oct 3, 2023
1 parent d8d3048 commit 59f691f
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Showing 4 changed files with 206 additions and 18 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions AsyncTerminationDetection.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
72 changes: 54 additions & 18 deletions AsyncTerminationDetection.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,24 +24,60 @@ CONSTANT N
\* * upon startup.
ASSUME NIsPosNat == N \in Nat \ {0}

\* TODO Fire up the TLA+ repl (`tlcrepl` in the Terminal > New Terminal) and
\* TODO find out what TLC returns for the following expressions:
\* TODO 23 = "frob"
\* TODO 23 # "frob" \* # is pretty-printed as ≠
\* TODO {1,2,2,3,3} = {3,1,1,2,3,1}
\* TODO 1 \div 4
\* TODO 1 \div 0
\* TODO {1,2,3} \cap {2,3,4} \* \cap pp'ed as ∩
\* TODO {1,2,3} \cup {2,3,4} \* \cap pp'ed as ∪
\* TODO {1,2,3} \ {2,3,4}
\* TODO 23 \in {0} \* \in pp'ed as ∈
\* TODO 23 \in {23, "frob"}
\* TODO 23 \in {"frob", 23}
\* TODO 23 \in {23} \ 23
\* TODO 23 \in {23} \ {23}
\* TODO 23 \notin {23} \ {23}
\* TODO 10 \in 1..10
\* TODO 1 \in 1..0
Nodes ==
0 .. N-1

VARIABLE messages, active, terminationDetected

termination ==
\A n \in Nodes: active[n] = FALSE /\ messages[n] = 0

Init ==
/\ active = [ n \in Nodes |-> TRUE ]
/\ messages = [ n \in Nodes |-> 0]
\* /\ terminationDetected \in {FALSE, termination}
/\ \/ terminationDetected = FALSE
\/ terminationDetected = termination

Idle(node) ==
/\ active' = [ n \in Nodes |-> IF n = node THEN FALSE ELSE active[n]]
/\ active' = [ active EXCEPT ![node] = FALSE' ]
/\ messages' = messages
/\ \/ terminationDetected' = termination'
\/ terminationDetected' = terminationDetected

SendMsg(snd, rcv) ==
/\ active[snd] = TRUE
/\ messages' = [ n \in Nodes |-> IF n = rcv THEN messages[n] + 1 ELSE messages[n] ]
/\ messages' = [ messages EXCEPT ![rcv] = messages[rcv] + 1 ]
/\ messages' = [ messages EXCEPT ![rcv] = @ + 1 ]
/\ active' = active
/\ terminationDetected' = terminationDetected

RecvMsg(rcv) ==
/\ messages[rcv] > 0
/\ messages' = [ n \in Nodes |-> IF n = rcv THEN messages[n] - 1 ELSE messages[n] ]
/\ active' = [ n \in Nodes |-> IF n = rcv THEN TRUE ELSE active[n]]
/\ terminationDetected' = terminationDetected

Next ==
\E n, m \in Nodes:
\/ Idle(n)
\/ SendMsg(n,m)
\/ RecvMsg(n)


Inv ==
\* IF terminationDetected THEN termination ELSE TRUE
terminationDetected => termination
\* terminationDetected = termination

Gooood ==
termination => <>terminationDetected

OnlyThreeMsgs ==
\A n \in Nodes: messages[n] < 4

\* Modification History
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions EWD998.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
\* NeverTermination
138 changes: 138 additions & 0 deletions EWD998.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
----- MODULE EWD998 -----

EXTENDS Naturals, Integers

\* * A constant is a parameter of a specification. In other words, it is a
\* * "variable" that cannot change throughout a behavior, i.e., a sequence
\* * of states. Below, we declares N to be a constant of this spec.
\* * We don't know what value N has or even what its type is; TLA+ is untyped and
\* * everything is a set. In fact, even 23 and "frob" are sets and 23="frob" is
\* * syntactically correct. However, we don't know what elements are in the sets
\* * 23 and "frob" (nor do we care). The value of 23="frob" is undefined, and TLA+
\* * users call this a "silly expression".

\* * We should declare what we assume about the parameters of a spec--the constants.
\* * In this spec, we assume constant N to be a (positive) natural number, by
\* * stating that N is in the set of Nat (defined in Naturals.tla) without 0 (zero).
\* * Note that the TLC model-checker, which we will meet later, checks assumptions
\* * upon startup.
ASSUME NIsPosNat == N \in Nat \ {0}

Black == "b"
White == "w"

Color == {Black, White}

Initiator == 0

Nodes ==
0 .. N-1

VARIABLE messages, active, color, counter, token

TypeOK ==
/\ messages \in [ Nodes -> Nat ]
/\ active \in [Nodes -> BOOLEAN ]
/\ counter \in [Nodes -> Int ]
/\ color \in [Nodes -> Color]
/\ token \in [ pos: Nodes, color: Color, q: Int ]

termination ==
\A n \in Nodes: active[n] = FALSE /\ messages[n] = 0

TerminationDetected ==
/\ token.pos = 0
/\ token.color = White
/\ token.q + counter[0] = 0
/\ active[0] = FALSE
/\ color[0] = White

Init ==
/\ messages = [ n \in Nodes |-> 0]
/\ active = [ n \in Nodes |-> TRUE ]
/\ color = [ n \in Nodes |-> White ]
/\ counter = [ n \in Nodes |-> 0 ]
/\ token = [ pos |-> 0, q |-> 0, color |-> Black ] \* ???? N-1

InitiateToken ==
/\ token.pos = 0
/\ token' = [ token EXCEPT !["pos"] = N - 1, !.q = 0, !.color = White]
/\ color' = [color EXCEPT ![0] = White]
/\ UNCHANGED <<active, counter, messages>>

PassToken ==
/\ ~ active[token.pos]
/\ token.pos # 0
/\ color' = [ color EXCEPT ![token.pos] = White]
/\ token' = [ token EXCEPT !.pos = @ - 1,
!.color = IF color[token.pos] = Black THEN Black ELSE @,
!.q = @ + counter[token.pos] ]
/\ UNCHANGED <<active, counter, messages>>

Idle(node) ==
\* /\ active' = [ n \in Nodes |-> IF n = node THEN FALSE ELSE active[n]]
/\ active' = [ active EXCEPT ![node] = FALSE ]
/\ UNCHANGED <<token, color, counter, messages>>

SendMsg(snd, rcv) ==
/\ active[snd] = TRUE
\* /\ messages' = [ n \in Nodes |-> IF n = rcv THEN messages[n] + 1 ELSE messages[n] ]
\* /\ messages' = [ messages EXCEPT ![rcv] = messages[rcv] + 1 ]
/\ messages' = [ messages EXCEPT ![rcv] = @ + 1 ]
/\ counter' = [ counter EXCEPT ![snd] = @ + 1]
/\ UNCHANGED <<active, color, token>>

RecvMsg(rcv) ==
/\ messages[rcv] > 0
/\ messages' = [ messages EXCEPT ![rcv] = @ - 1 ]
/\ active' = [ active EXCEPT ![rcv] = TRUE ]
\* eceiving a *message* (not token) blackens the (receiver) node
/\ color' = [color EXCEPT ![rcv] = Black]
\* /\ UNCHANGED color
\* the receipt of a message decrements i's counter
/\ counter' = [ counter EXCEPT ![rcv] = @ - 1]
/\ UNCHANGED token

Next ==
\E n, m \in Nodes:
\/ Idle(n)
\/ SendMsg(n,m)
\/ RecvMsg(n)
\/ PassToken
\/ InitiateToken


OnlyThreeMsgs ==
\A n \in Nodes: messages[n] < 4 /\ counter[n] \in -3..3

Inv ==
TerminationDetected => termination

NeverTermination ==
termination = FALSE

Good ==
termination => <>TerminationDetected

Alias ==
active |-> active,
color |-> color,
counter |-> counter,
messages |-> messages,
token |-> token,
TD |-> TerminationDetected,
t |-> termination
ATD => Inv
ATD => Goood

EWD998 => ATD


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