The project is to model the installation of security cameras at traffic intersections. This is a particular kind of optimization problem, called the Vertex Cover problem, in this context. The idea is for the police to be able to minimize the number of cameras they need to install, and still be as effective as possible with their monitoring.
This project will be able to: • Take as input a series of commands that describe streets. • Use that input to construct a particular kind of undirected graph.
The program should take input from standard input. The input comprises lines each of which specifies a command. There are 4 kinds of commands.
(1) add a street, (2) change a street, (3) remove a street, and, (4) generate a graph.
There could be any whitespace before the commands. Each command is separated from its arguments with at least one whitespace. There could be any whitespace between the numbers that represent the coordinates.
*** Note, this is still in WIP. **