Hello! If you are here, probably you are doing a BSc/MSc/PhD project with me (Veronika). I'm excited to be working together! ✨
This goal of this repository is to help you be successful as a student, and to help me be successful as a supervisor.
Since I have just started writing this guide in January 2019, it is not yet complete. My hope for it is to cover the following topics:
- Onboarding - getting started with your project
- Expectations - what I expect from you and what you can expect from me
- Vision - my view on what we should research, and how to do it
- Lab organization - meetings etc
- Literature - suggested reading
- Tips for
This repository is meant to be a living thing which changes after each student project. I therefore invite any comments or suggestions (via pull requests or email).
This guide and the information in it is inspired by several researchers who have shared their lab guides or other resources online:
- Kirstie Whitaker https://github.com/WhitakerLab/Onboarding
- Yehia Elkhatib http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/~elkhatib/students.php
- Michael Ekstrand https://md.ekstrandom.net/students/skills
- John Paul Minda https://osf.io/8b6kj/
- Jen Heemstra https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a8ecjUWVbXR1JqgbzqRwKmqaNK2cvBsysNFVXk56Lpo/edit
- Gina Baucom https://baucomlab.wordpress.com/portfolio/lab-guide/
- Jonathan Peelle https://github.com/jpeelle/peellelab_manual/
- Kay M. Tye https://tyelab.mit.edu/philosophy/
- Wilson Sayres http://www.sexchrlab.org/lab/
- Stacey Smith https://www.colorado.edu/smithlab/all-about-expectations
- Steve Ramirez http://theramirezgroup.org/
- April Wright https://paleantology.com/home/about/