This is simple API using:
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data
- spring Data Rest
- Spring Actuator
- Swagger
- Open JDK 17 version
- Okta Integration
- Oauth2
- Installing Java 17 - Download JDK
- Set JAVA_HOME env based on where the JDK will be installed. Add to PATH as JAVA_HOME\bin.
- To know if the java is installed, run java -version command on prompt should work
- Installing Maven
- Download the latest version on
- Define the variable MVN_HOME on your OS pointing to the extracted directory. Add to the PATH variable the MVN_HOME\bin.
- To know if the mvn is installed, run the command mvn --version and check if its recognition by the SO or not;
- Installing a database
- Currently H2 is being used, but if other db is used, change the pom dependency and the spring parameters spring.datasource.url / spring.datasource.driver-class-name as required
1-) Via Maven mvn spring-boot:run
2-) Via Docker
Building up:
docker build --compress --force-rm --no-cache -t dev-java-simple-crud:latest .
docker run -d --restart always -p 8787:8787 --name dev-java-simple-crud -t dev-java-simple-crud
Publishing (with tag version):
docker build --compress --force-rm --no-cache -t tsoutello/dev-java-simple-crud:1.0.0 .
docker push tsoutello/dev-java-simple-crud:1.0.0
Killing the container:
docker container kill dev-java-simple-crud
docker container prune
3-) Via Kubernetes
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
kubectl port-forward svc/spring 8787:8787
Kubernetes - Deployment YAML creation:
kubectl create deployment demo --image=spring-backend --dry-run -o=yaml > deployment.yaml
kubectl create service clusterip demo --tcp=8787:8787--dry-run -o=yaml >> deployment.yaml
- App: http://localhost:8787/dev-java-simple-crud/api
- Swagger: http://localhost:8787/dev-java-simple-crud/api/swagger-ui.html#/
- Health Spring Actuator endpoint http://localhost:8787/dev-java-simple-crud/api/actuator/health