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🛸 UFO (Universal Fast Orderer)

UFO is an in-memory mock consensus engine designed as a drop-in replacement for CometBFT to accelerate multi-chain simulation. When testing complex multi-chain interactions, the standard CometBFT consensus imposes significant overhead. UFO provides a fast alternative for testing Cosmos applications at sub-millisecond block times.


  • Higher transaction throughput
  • Low latency
  • Support for ultra-low block times (down to sub-millisecond)
  • Resource efficient

Quick Start with Nix

Get up and running quickly using Nix for a consistent environment and workflow:

# 1. Build all binaries
nix run .#build-all

# 2. Run all Go tests
nix run .#test-all

# 3. Run benchmarks
nix run .#benchmark

# 4. View results in Jupyter notebook
nix run .#jupyter

These commands will build all necessary binaries, run the test suite, execute performance benchmarks, and start a Jupyter notebook for visualizing the results.

If you want to start developing in the Nix environment you can run:

nix develop

Integration Modes

UFO offers multiple integration modes for different use cases. An Osmosis node is provided here as a practical exmaple because it has the Block SDK which uses ABCI++ and because Osmosis a sovereign blockchain, making it slightly easier to integrate against.

1. Mock Cosmos SDK (Fauxmosis)

Fauxmosis is a lightweight mock Cosmos SDK application designed for testing and benchmarking. It provides:

  • Minimal dependencies
  • Simplified application logic
  • Fast startup and testing
  • Focused performance benchmarking

2. UFO Bridged Mode

In bridged mode, UFO connects to a running Osmosis instance through adapter interfaces:

  • UFO and Osmosis run as separate processes
  • Communication occurs through defined interfaces
  • Minimal changes to Osmosis codebase
  • Easier to update components independently
  • Suitable for development and testing

3. UFO Patched Mode

Patch-based integration directly modifies the Osmosis source code:

  • Applies patches to replace CometBFT with UFO at the source level
  • Creates a single integrated binary
  • More efficient performance (no inter-process communication)
  • Deeper integration at the code level
  • Suitable for production deployments

4. CometBFT (Baseline)

Standard Osmosis with CometBFT serves as the baseline for performance comparisons:

  • Original implementation without UFO
  • Reference point for benchmarking
  • Used to validate correctness and measure improvements

Integration with Osmosis

UFO can be integrated with Osmosis using the provided adapter. The adapter creates a shim implementation of the CometBFT interfaces, allowing Osmosis to use UFO without extensive code modifications.

Building Osmosis with UFO Integration

Patch-Based Integration

You can build Osmosis with UFO patch-based integration using our Nix-integrated build script:

nix run .#build-osmosis -- /path/to/osmosis/source

This will create a binary called osmosisd-ufo in the Osmosis directory that uses UFO for consensus instead of CometBFT.

Bridged Integration

To build the bridged mode version:

go build -o osmosis-ufo-bridged ./cmd/osmosis-ufo-bridged/main.go

Performance Tests

UFO includes a performance testing suite that benchmarks integration modes against each other.

To run the full performance test suite with the default configurations:


To run tests with specific parameters (block times, transaction count, and duration):

./benchmark_assay/ --block-times 1000,100,10,1 --tx-count 5000 --duration 180

Test Configurations

The following configurations can be tested:

./benchmark_assay/ --configurations fauxmosis-comet-1,osmosis-ufo-bridged-1,osmosis-ufo-patched-1,osmosis-comet-1

Available configurations:

  • fauxmosis-comet-1: Fauxmosis with CometBFT (1 validator)
  • fauxmosis-comet-4: Fauxmosis with CometBFT (4 validators)
  • fauxmosis-ufo-1: Fauxmosis with UFO (1 validator)
  • fauxmosis-ufo-4: Fauxmosis with UFO (4 validators)
  • osmosis-ufo-bridged-1: Osmosis with UFO (bridged mode, 1 validator)
  • osmosis-ufo-bridged-4: Osmosis with UFO (bridged mode, 4 validators)
  • osmosis-ufo-patched-1: Osmosis with UFO (patched mode, 1 validator)
  • osmosis-ufo-patched-4: Osmosis with UFO (patched mode, 4 validators)
  • osmosis-comet-1: Osmosis with CometBFT (1 validator)
  • osmosis-comet-4: Osmosis with CometBFT (4 validators)


The performance testing suite supports several options:

  • --build-dir: Directory to build binaries in (default: build)
  • --osmosis-comet-dir: Directory with Osmosis+CometBFT source (default: /tmp/osmosis-comet-build)
  • --osmosis-ufo-patched-dir: Directory with patched Osmosis+UFO (default: /tmp/osmosis-ufo-patched-build)
  • --osmosis-ufo-bridged-dir: Directory for bridged Osmosis+UFO (default: /tmp/osmosis-ufo-bridged-build)
  • --fauxmosis-comet-dir: Directory for Fauxmosis with CometBFT (default: /tmp/fauxmosis-comet-build)
  • --fauxmosis-ufo-dir: Directory for Fauxmosis with UFO (default: /tmp/fauxmosis-ufo-build)
  • --configurations: Comma-separated list of configurations to test
  • --block-times: Comma-separated list of block times to test (in ms)
  • --tx-count: Number of transactions to send
  • --duration: Duration of each test (in seconds)
  • --visualize-only: Skip tests and only visualize results
  • --no-visualize: Skip visualization
  • --run-name: Specify a name for this test run (default: benchmark_run_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS)


Test results are saved in the benchmark_results directory, with each run getting its own subdirectory. Consolidated results are available in:

  • benchmark_results/results.csv: All test results in CSV format
  • benchmark_results/notebook_visualizations/: Visualization images
  • benchmark_results/benchmark_analysis.ipynb: Jupyter notebook with analysis


Visualizations are generated automatically after tests complete. You can regenerate them using:

./benchmark_assay/ benchmark_results/results.csv benchmark_results/

Quick Comparative Benchmark

To run a quick comparative benchmark between all implementation modes:



To clean up benchmark results but keep specific runs:

./benchmark_assay/ --keep-run benchmark_run_20250315_123045

Individual Node Benchmarking

For benchmarking individual nodes with specific parameters:

./benchmark_assay/ --binary-type fauxmosis-ufo --binary-path /path/to/fauxmosis-ufo --validators 1 --block-times 100,10,1 --tx-count 1000

Benchmark Environment

For a dedicated benchmarking environment with all dependencies:


How It Works

Fauxmosis Integration

The Fauxmosis mock application demonstrates UFO integration with a simplified Cosmos SDK app:

  1. Mock Application: Provides a lightweight implementation of Cosmos SDK app
  2. UFO Integration: Shows how UFO replaces CometBFT in a Cosmos SDK context
  3. Benchmarking: Enables performance testing without external dependencies

Osmosis Bridged Integration

The bridged integration approach consists of the following components:

  1. Bridge Client: Connects UFO to a running Osmosis instance
  2. Adapter Layer: Translates between UFO and CometBFT interfaces
  3. Communication Protocol: Defines how the two systems interact
  4. Independent Processes: Allows UFO and Osmosis to run separately

Osmosis Patched Integration

The patch-based integration approach consists of the following components:

  1. Adapter Interface: The OsmosisUFOAdapter type provides a bridge between Osmosis and UFO
  2. Source Patches: Direct modifications to the Osmosis codebase
  3. Dependency Replacement: Swaps CometBFT dependencies with UFO implementations
  4. Single Binary: Produces an integrated application with UFO consensus

Performance Comparison

The benchmark suite allows direct comparison between all integration modes:

  • Transactions per Second (TPS): Measure of throughput
  • Latency: Transaction confirmation time
  • Resource Usage: CPU and memory consumption
  • Block Times: Performance at different block production rates
  • Scalability: Performance with increasing validator counts



  • Go 1.22 or later
  • Nix (for reproducible builds)
  • Python with pandas and matplotlib (for performance visualization)


# Using Go directly
go build -o fauxmosis-comet ./cmd/fauxmosis-comet/main.go
go build -o fauxmosis-ufo ./cmd/fauxmosis-ufo/main.go
go build -o osmosis-ufo-bridged ./cmd/osmosis-ufo-bridged/main.go

# Using Nix
nix build

Development Shell

# General development
nix develop

# Benchmark-specific environment with visualization tools
nix develop .#benchmark
# or


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