A Discord bot that announces streamers as they go live!
- Twitch
- Beam (Currently disabled due to performance concerns)
- YouTube
- HitBox
You MUST be a manager to execute these commands!
Now Live requires the following permissions in order to do what you expect out of it.
Allows the bot to do everything it needs to do (send, delete, edit announcements) and leave it open for future implementations of different features. Please don't change the permissions to anything else as the bot will likely not do everything it needs to do.
To add Now Live to your server, click here.
IMPORTANT: Leave the bot permissions as they are! The bot needs all of those permissions to do its job! Removing any of those permissions could cause the bot to not work properly in your server!
NOTE: All peeps in your server with Administrator and Manage Server permissions are automagically added as managers!
To add additional managers use the following command:
-nl add manager @<user>
Additionally, you can remove managers by typing:
-nl remove manmager @<user>
NOTE: Twitch is currently the only supported platform. I will update this when more platforms are added.
To add channels, type:
-nl twitch add channel <channel-name>
Example: -nl twitch add channel AgueMort
IMPORTANT: Only add the channel name. Adding the full URL of the channel will not work.
If you messed up, you can remove the channel using:
-nl twitch remove channel <channel-name>
Filters allow you to only have channels announced when the streamer is playing a specific game. Filters are global and will apply to all platforms that are implemented in the future!
To add a filter, type:
-nl add filter <game-name>
To remove filters, type:
-nl remove filter <game-name>
NOTE: Currently Tags and Teams are still being worked on for Twitch. I expect to have them ready soon.
To add a game (this will announce EVERY LIVE STREAM for that game!), type:
-nl add game <game-name>
-nl add game World of Warcraft
To remove a game, type:
-nl remove game <game-name>
-nl remove game World of Warcraft
NOTE: You MUST include the hash-tag (#) in front of the channel name! This command will not work otherwise!
-nl move #<channel-name>
Add game filters, full games, tags and managers
-nl add filter <game-name>
-nl add game <game-name>
-nl add manager @<user>
-nl add tag <tag>
tags coming soon!
Changes what happens when the streamer goes offline
-nl cleanup none
-nl cleanup edit
-nl cleanup delete
Changes how streams are announces (removes the auto-embedded image)
-nl compact on
-nl compact off
List the specified things from the database for the Discord server
-nl list channels
-nl list games
-nl list filter
-nl list manager
-nl list tag
coming soon!
-nl list team
coming soon!
Change which channel streams are announced in
-nl move #<channel-name>
Changes who gets notified with the announcements
-nl notify none
-nl notify here
-nl notify everyone
Remove game filters, full games, tags and managers
-nl remove filter <game-name>
-nl remove game <game-name>
-nl remove manager @<user>
-nl remove tag <tag>
tags coming soon!
IMPORTANT: This only affects Twitch streams.
Allows you to filter streams by the language it is being broadcast in. This supports the English spelling of the language, or the native spelling. Must be a supported language on Twitch that is listed in the Dashboard.
-nl streamlang <language>
-nl streamlang spanish
or -nl streamlang español
-nl streamlang japanese
or -nl streamlang 日本語
-nl streamlang greek
or -nl streamlang ελληνικά
-nl streamlang arabic
or -nl streamlang العربية
All languages (no filter)
-nl streamlang all
Send you a Private Message with a list of all streamers that are actively streaming that your Discord server is following
-nl streams
Adds and removes Twitch channels to monitor
-nl twitch add channel <channel-name>
-nl twitch remove channel <channel-name>
Join us on Discord and chat with the developers!
If you are having issues with the bot, please do not open an issue here. Go to the Now Live Trello Board and let the developers know first. If it's a big enough issue, we'll tell you to open an issue here. If any issues are opened up here without bringing it up on Trello first, they will be automatically closed and not actioned upon.