This Github repo consists of codes used in my thesis project: Testing differences in brain structure and functional connectivity between children with and without a family history of Alcohol Use Disorder, data from the Adolescents Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study.
- Step 1: Identify subjects with and without a family history of Alcohol Use Disorder
- Step 2: Download the data and organize in BIDS format
- Step 3: Run MRIQC
- Step 4: Run BRAINSTools
- Step 5: Run Freesurfer
- QC with Quoala-T
- Step 6: Run fMRIPrep and Resting State analysis
Instruction here:
To run their scripts on our machines, make sure you follow what is listed in the file below
Also, because I only care about rs fMRI and sMRI, I went through all of the scripts and config files in my local abcd-dicom2bids repo and delete everything related to task fMRI or validating BIDS (running BIDS validation needs docker, which can't be run on IFT machines). Below is an example of how to run this script
python <path to script>/ \
/Shared/pinc/sharedopt/apps/fsl/Linux/x86_64/5.0.8 \
/Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/code/00abcd2bids_convert/R2016b/v91 \
--username tientong --password <your password> 2>&1 | tee abcd2bids_log.txt
What I would recommend is submitting this as job on Argon
# run this on argon
qsub /Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/code/
mv /Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/code/00abcd2bids_convert/abcd2bids_github/data/* /Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/rawdata
Some file wasn't associated with json files, e.g., /Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/rawdata/sub-NDARINV12F1NWCG/ses-baselineYear1Arm1/fmap/vol0002.nii.gz
Right now not sure what happened with the abcd2bids script, move all of those files to
with the code in the cell below:
for i in /Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/rawdata/[a-zA-Z0-9]*/[a-zA-Z0-9]*/fmap ; do
sub=(`echo $i | awk '{gsub("/"," "); print $5}' | awk '{gsub("-"," "); print $2}'`)
ses=(`echo $i | awk '{gsub("/"," "); print $6}' | awk '{gsub("-"," "); print $2}'`)
[ -f /Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/rawdata/sub-${sub}/ses-${ses}/fmap/vol*2*.nii.gz ] && \
mkdir -p /Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/nojson/sub-${sub}/ses-${ses}/fmap && \
mv /Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/rawdata/sub-${sub}/ses-${ses}/fmap/vol*.nii.gz \
Download the ABCD Fasttrack QC Instrument
file ( with the list of participants you're interested in. You can then make changes to this file (e.g., exclude task fMRI, DTI) by running getStructandRS.R
then, copy the output to
Have to pick the run that is better. How? running MRIQC
Create a template file (currently put on argon
Content of the template file pasted below
#$ -pe smp 16
#$ -m e
#$ -M [email protected]
#$ -o /Users/tientong/logs/abcd/mriqc/out
#$ -e /Users/tientong/logs/abcd/mriqc/err
singularity run -H /Users/tientong/singularity_home \
/Users/tientong/mriqc_0.14.2.sif \
/Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/rawdata \
/Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/derivatives/mriqc \
participant --participant_label SUBJECT \
--no-sub --verbose-reports --write-graph \
-w /Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/derivatives/mriqc \
--n_procs 8 --mem_gb 36000
Create a list of available subjects
for i in /Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/rawdata/[a-zA-Z0-9]*/[a-zA-Z0-9]*/anat ; do
info=(`echo $i | awk '{gsub("/"," "); print $5}'`)
sub=(`echo $info | awk '{gsub("-"," "); print $2}'`)
echo $sub
done > ${outputFile}
Then run this on argon to create individual subjects mriqc job script, then submit the jobs
for sub in $(cat /Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/log/subjectlist/200129list.txt | tr '\n' ' ') ; do
sed -e "s|SUBJECT|${sub}|" /Users/tientong/job_scripts/mriqc/abcd/mriqc_TEMPLATE.job > \
for sub in $(cat /Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/log/subjectlist/200129list.txt | tr '\n' ' ') ; do
qsub /Users/tientong/job_scripts/mriqc/abcd/mriqc_sub-${sub}.job
Jan 30 2020 Completed running mriqc all subjects in the list below
sub-NDARINV93KR583V - T2w
sub-NDARINVA01DRNBZ - resting state
Detailed logs are at /Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/derivatives/mriqc/logs
# after finish subject level analysis, run the group analysis (concatnate subjects' files)
singularity run \
-H /Users/tientong/singularity_home \
/Users/tientong/mriqc_0.14.2.sif \
/Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/rawdata \
/Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/derivatives/mriqc \
group --no-sub --verbose-reports --write-graph \
-w /Shared/tientong_scratch/abcd/derivatives/mriqc
Once the group level MRIQC is completed, move all files to
Code: baw00ChooseBestStruct.R