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A small library to shorten array of positive numbers or zero into a string of characters.



npm i -S hashnum
import Hashnum from 'hashnum'


Hashnum.encode([12, 3, 45, 6, 78, 9]) // '1meSQKbq1'
Hashnum.decode('1meSQKbq1')           // [12, 3, 45, 6, 78, 9]

encode must take an array of unsigned numbers or strings which can be parsed into number. If invalid input is passed, an empty string will be returned.

Hashnum.encode([12, 3, 45, '6', '78', '9']) // '1meSQKbq1'
Hashnum.encode(['a']) // ''
Hashnum.encode([-1])  // ''
Hashnum.encode()      // ''

decode must take a string as first argument. If the string is an invalid encoded string, an empty array will be returned.

Hashnum.decode('*1meSQKbq1') // []
Hashnum.decode()             // []

decode can take a second boolean argument to output number as string. This is very useful for big numbers, where native type cannot handle.

Hashnum.decode('1meSQKbq1', true) // ['12', '3', '45', '6', '78', '9']

const str = Hashnum.encode(['98765432100123456789']) // 'ddi3jfQBbX1TNFq'
Hashnum.decode(str)        // [98765432100123460000]
Hashnum.decode(str, true)  // ['98765432100123456789']

Custom table

Using custom table of characters by creating a new instance of the library.

const hashnum = new Hashnum({
  table: '!@#$%^&*()',
  strOutput: true,
// OR
const hashnum = new Hashnum()
hashnum.table = '!@#$%^&*()'
hashnum.strOutput = true
hashnum.encode([12, 3, 45, 6, 78, 9]) // '&^%@&)%%)((()(^&(*'
hashnum.decode('&^%@&)%%)((()(^&(*')  // ['12', '3', '45', '6', '78', '9']

table - the table of characters. Must contains at least 5 unique characters, or else the default table will be used.

const hashnum = new Hashnum({ table: '!@#$%' })
hashnum.table == Hashnum.table // true - [0-9][a-z][A-Z]

strOutput - the flag to output decoded number as string. It is overrided if explicitly being set on calling decoding.

const hashnum = new Hashnum({ strOutput: true })
hashnum.decode('1meSQKbq1', false) // [12, 3, 45, 6, 78, 9]
hashnum.decode('1meSQKbq1')        // ['12', '3', '45', '6', '78', '9']


This library uses following third party libraries:


This library is under MIT license.