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PHP DocBlocker

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Basic PHP DocBlocking extension.

We now have a set of unit tests and some full coverage on the parsing of signatures as well as continuous integration. This should ensure the extension remains stable as development progresses.


  • Completion snippet after /** above a class, function, class property
  • Completion of DocBlock tags such as @param, @return, @throws
  • Inferring of param and return types from signatures
  • Configuration of template for each type of docblock completion


This extension has no dependencies.

Extension Settings

This extension contributes the following settings:

  • set to false to disable the gap between the description and tags
  • php-docblocker.returnGap: set to true to add a gap between the param and return tags
  • php-docblocker.returnVoid: set to false to turn off the automatic void return type when it can't be determined
  • php-docblocker.defaultType: default type to use if a type wasn't able to to be determined
  • php-docblocker.extra: an array of extra tags to add to each DocBlock (These can include tabstops and snippet variables)
  • php-docblocker.useShortNames: Whether we should use short type names. e.g. bool or boolean
  • php-docblocker.qualifyClassNames: When adding type hints for class names search namespace use statements and qualify the class
  • php-docblocker.alignParams: set to true to align params vertically and add appropriate spaces after param names
  • php-docblocker.alignReturn: set to true to align return vertically with above params statements, this setting requires align params to also be active
  • php-docblocker.varDescription: set to true to include a description placeholder for @var completions. If you specify a string this will be the default placeholder text
  • php-docblocker.paramDescription: set to true to include a description placeholder for @param completions. If you specify a string this will be the default placeholder text
  • php-docblocker.returnDescription: set to true to include a description placeholder for @return completions. If you specify a string this will be the default placeholder text
  • An object containing your default author tag settings
  • php-docblocker.functionTemplate: See below for how to set up docblock templates
  • php-docblocker.propertyTemplate: See below for how to set up docblock templates
  • php-docblocker.classTemplate: See below for how to set up docblock templates


If you want more control over the order or gap settings on your docblocks or you want different things for properties vs class templates you can start customising the template configuration objects. These are the config options functionTemplate, propertyTemplate and classTemplate.

Default set up for function

The below is the default set up for a function. The order of the keys represents the output order. There are no specific options in each config option per key to add additional control.

        "message": {},
        "param": {},
        "return": {},
        "extra": {}

Supported template keys

Key Aplies to type Description
message All Space for entering a description of your block
extra All Adds in your custom tags from the extra config
param Function Function @param items
return Function Function @return item
var Property Property @var item
* All This is for any key that is unmatched you can use the content option to add a tag

Supported template config options

Option Aplies to key(s) Description
gapBefore All Adds a gap before the tag section starts
gapAfter All Adds a gap after the tag section ends
content * Adds a gap after the tag section ends

Configured function template example

In the example below we have added some gap configuration and removed the return tag for our template as well as changing the default order. This means we'll never have a @return tag and extra comes before the params. It's also worth pointing out that the gapAfter in the message is the same as setting the gap config option in the main config to true.

        "message": {
            "gapAfter": true
        "extra": {},
        "param": {
            "gapBefore": true

Configured function with extra content and placeholders

The example below won't have a return tag and will add in an author tag with correct placeholders depending on how many options you have. You can put in placeholders by using ### in place of the tab stop number and it will be calculated at generation time.

        "message": {
            "gapAfter": true
        "param": {
            "gapBefore": true
        "author": {
            "content": "@author ${###:Neil Brayfield} <${###:[email protected]}>"

Supported DocBlock tags

Please see below for a list of supported tags and their snippets. These tags are available within a DocBlock and can be triggered by typing @ then another characted (Provided your vscode settings allow).

Tag Snippet
@api @api
@abstract @abstract
@after @after
@afterClass @afterClass
@author @author ${1:{{name}}} <${2:{{email}}}>
@backupGlobals @backupGlobals ${1:switch}
@backupStaticAttributes @backupStaticAttributes ${1:switch}
@before @before
@beforeClass @beforeClass
@category @category ${1:description}
@codeCoverageIgnore @codeCoverageIgnore
@codeCoverageIgnoreEnd @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
@codeCoverageIgnoreStart @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
@copyright @copyright ${1:2021} ${2:Name}
@covers @covers ${1:fqcn}
@coversDefaultClass @coversDefaultClass ${1:fqcn}
@coversNothing @coversNothing
@dataProvider @dataProvider ${1:methodName}
@depends @depends ${1:methodName}
@deprecated @deprecated ${1:version}
@doesNotPerformAssertions @doesNotPerformAssertions
@example @example ${1:location} ${2:description}
@filesource @filesource
@final @final
@group @group ${1:group}
@global @global
@ignore @ignore ${1:description}
@inheritDoc @inheritDoc
@internal @internal ${1:description}
@large @large
@license @license ${1:MIT}
@link @link ${1:}
@medium @medium
@method @method ${1:mixed} ${2:methodName()}
@mixin @mixin ${1:\MyClass}
@package @package ${1:category}
@param @param ${1:mixed} $${2:name}
@preserveGlobalState @preserveGlobalState ${1:switch}
@property @property ${1:mixed} $${2:name}
@property-read @property-read ${1:mixed} $${2:name}
@property-write @property-write ${1:mixed} $${2:name}
@requires @requires ${1:mixed}
@return @return ${1:mixed}
@runInSeparateProcess @runInSeparateProcess
@runTestsInSeparateProcesses @runTestsInSeparateProcesses
@see @see ${1:}
@since @since ${1:1.0.0}
@small @small
@source @source ${1:location} ${2:description}
@static @static
@subpackage @subpackage ${1:category}
@test @test
@testdox @testdox ${1:description}
@testWith @testWith ${1:elements}
@throws @throws ${1:Exception}
@ticket @ticket ${1:ticket}
@todo @todo ${1:Something}
@uses @uses ${1:MyClass::function} ${2:Name}
@var @var ${1:mixed}
@version @version ${1:1.0.0}
@psalm-var (Psalm) @psalm-var ${1:mixed}
@psalm-param (Psalm) @psalm-param ${1:mixed} $${2:name}
@psalm-return (Psalm) @psalm-return ${1:mixed}
@psalm-suppress (Psalm) @psalm-suppress ${1:IssueName}
@psalm-assert (Psalm) @psalm-assert ${1:[assertion]} $${2:var}
@psalm-assert-if-true (Psalm) @psalm-assert-if-true ${1:[assertion]} $${2:var}
@psalm-assert-if-false (Psalm) @psalm-assert-if-false ${1:[assertion]} $${2:var}
@psalm-ignore-nullable-return (Psalm) @psalm-ignore-nullable-return
@psalm-ignore-falsable-return (Psalm) @psalm-ignore-falsable-return
@psalm-seal-properties (Psalm) @psalm-seal-properties
@psalm-internal (Psalm) @psalm-internal ${1:Namespace}
@psalm-readonly (Psalm) @psalm-readonly
@psalm-mutation-free (Psalm) @psalm-mutation-free
@psalm-external-mutation-free (Psalm) @psalm-external-mutation-free
@psalm-immutable (Psalm) @psalm-immutable
@psalm-pure (Psalm) @psalm-pure
@phan-suppress (Phan) @phan-suppress ${1:IssueName}
@suppress (Phan) @suppress ${1:IssueName}
@phan-suppress-current-line (Phan) @phan-suppress-current-line ${1:IssueName, IssueName}
@phan-suppress-next-line (Phan) @phan-suppress-next-line ${1:IssueName, IssueName}
@phan-file-suppress (Phan) @phan-file-suppress ${1:IssueName}
@override (Phan) @override
@inherits (Phan) @inherits
@phan-assert (Phan) @phan-assert ${1:[assertion]} $${2:var}
@phan-assert-true-condition (Phan) @phan-assert-true-condition ${1:[assertion]} $${2:var}
@phan-assert-false-condition (Phan) @phan-assert-false-condition ${1:[assertion]} $${2:var}
@phan-closure-scope (Phan) @phan-closure-scope
@phan-read-only (Phan) @phan-read-only
@phan-write-only (Phan) @phan-write-only
@phan-pure (Phan) @phan-pure
@phan-phan-output-reference (Phan) @param ${1:mixed} $${2:name} @phan-phan-output-reference
@phan-phan-ignore-reference (Phan) @param ${1:mixed} $${2:name} @phan-phan-ignore-reference
@phan-var (Phan) @phan-var ${1:mixed}
@phan-param (Phan) @phan-param ${1:mixed} $${2:name}
@phan-return (Phan) @phan-return ${1:mixed}
@phan-return (Phan) @phan-return ${1:mixed}
@phan-method (Phan) @phan-method ${1:mixed} ${2:methodName()}
@template (Phan) @template

Future development

It probably wouldn't be too much work to expand this to work with multiple languages. If this is something you are interested in, please pop over to github and add your feedback to the issue neild3r/vscode-php-docblocker#17.

Please also feel free to suggest new configuration options, I appreciate at this time the extension is mostly set up for my own DocBlock style requirements but more options could be added for other use cases.


Simple docblocker for php







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