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Datapath and Control for a Turing Complete ISA with Interrupt Handling


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We use CircuitSim version 1.9.1 to inplement the datapath and simulate the assembly. For Windows user, go to CircuitSim/Windows/ to download and install the .exe file. For MacOS, the installation is a little bit tricky. First, download the Jar file from CircuitSim/Jar/. CircuitSim requires Java 14+. Additionally, not all versions of the JDK come with JavaFX which CircuitSim uses.

  • If you have never installed Java 14 or higher before, simply install the latest JDK that already comes with JavaFX, i.e., Azul Zulu. To open CircuitSim,
    java -jar "CircuitSim1.9.1.jar"
  • If you already have a recent Java version installed, download the JavaFX SDK separately from Gluon JavaFX that matches your Java version. To open CircuitSim,
    java -jar --module-path "javafx-sdk-21.0.4/lib" --add-modules javafx.base,javafx.controls,javafx.fxml "CircuitSim1.9.1.jar"

Note that you need to replace javafx-sdk-21.0.4 and CircuitSim1.9.1.jar with the correct path to the JavaFX SDK and the CircuitSim jar. Then, click File -> Load to check our datapath.sim file.


The instructions we implemented are summarized below.


  • ADD: DR = SR1 + SR2; The ADD instruction obtains the first source operand from the SR1 register. The second source operand is obtained from the SR2 register. The second operand is added to the first source operand, and the result is stored in DR.
  • NAND: DR = ~(SR1 & SR2); The NAND instruction performs a logical NAND on the source operands obtained from SR1 and SR2. The result is stored in DR.
  • ADDI: DR = SR1 + SEXT(immval20); The ADDI instruction obtains the first source operand from the SR1 register. The second source operand is obtained by sign-extending the immval20 field to 32 bits. The resulting operand is added to the first source operand, and the result is stored in DR.
  • LW: DR = MEM[BaseR + SEXT(offset20)]; An address is computed by sign-extending bits [19:0] to 32 bits and then adding this result to the contents of the register specified by bits [23:20]. The 32-bit word at this address is loaded into DR.
  • SW: MEM[BaseR + SEXT(offset20)] = SR; An address is computed by sign-extending bits [19:0] to 32 bits and then adding this result to the contents of the register specified by bits [23:20]. The 32-bit word obtained from register SR is then stored at this address.
  • BEQ: if (SR1 == SR2) {PC = incrementedPC + SEXT(offset20)} A branch is taken if SR1 is equal to SR2. If this is the case, the PC will be set to the sum of the incremented PC (since we have already undergone fetch) and the sign-extended offset[19:0].
  • JALR: RA = PC; PC = AT; First, the incremented PC (address of the instruction + 1) is stored into register RA. Next, the PC is loaded with the value of register AT, and the computer resumes execution at the new PC.
  • HALT The machine is brought to a halt and executes no further instructions.
  • BLT: if (SR1 < SR2) {PC = incrementedPC + SEXT(offset20)} A branch is taken if SR1 is less than SR2. If this is the case, the PC will be set to the sum of the incremented PC (since we have already undergone fetch) and the sign-extended offset[19:0].
  • LEA: DR = PC + SEXT(PCoffset20); An address is computed by sign-extending bits [19:0] to 32 bits and adding this result to the incremented PC (address of instruction + 1). It then stores the computed address into register DR.
  • BGT: if (SR1 > SR2) {PC = incrementedPC + SEXT(offset20)} A branch is taken if SR1 is greater than SR2. If this is the case, the PC will be set to the sum of the incremented PC (since we have already undergone fetch) and the sign-extended offset[19:0].
  • OR: DR = SR1 | SR2; The OR instruction obtains the first source operand from the SR1 register. The second source operand is obtained from the SR2 register. Preform the OR operation on the two operands, and the result is stored in DR.
  • XOR: DR = SR1 (XOR) SR2; The XOR instruction obtains the first source operand from the SR1 register. The second source operand is obtained from the SR2 register. Preform the XOR operation on the two operands, and the result is stored in DR.
  • EI: IE = 1; The Interrupts Enabled IE register in Datapath is set to 1, enabling interrupts.
  • DI: IE = 0; The Interrupts Enabled IE register in Datapath is set to 0, disabling interrupts.
  • RETI: PC = $k0; IE = 1; The PC is restored to the return address stored in $k0 register in Register. The Interrupts Enabled IE register in Datapath is set to 1, enabling interrupts.
  • IN: DAR = SEXT(addr20); DR = DeviceData; DAR = 0; The value in addr20 is sign-extended to determine the 32-bit device address. This address is then loaded into the Device Address Register DAR register in Datapath. The processor then reads a single word value off the device data bus, and writes this value to the DR register. The DAR is then reset to zero, ending the device bus cycle.


A simpler datapth without supporting interrupts can be find here that you can see the overall structure and use it to deduce behavior of each instruction.



We have two ALUs with 2-bit and 1-bit control signal respectively. The 2-bit ALU can perform 00: ADD, 01: SUB, 10: NAND, 11: A+1 operations, control by signal func. The 1-bit ALU2 can perform 0: OR, 1: XOR operations, control by signal IR[4], i.e., the fifth bit of instruction (refer to OR and XOR instruction details). As a notes, we use the term 'operation' for ALU, and it's different from the term 'instruction' that we use for the ISA. The control gate DrALU in Datapath will be set if we want ALU output and DrALU2 will be set if we want ALU2 output.

02-ALU 03-ALU2


The LC-2222a has 16 general-purpose registers:

Register Number Name Use Callee Save?
0 $zero Always Zero NA
1 $at Assembler/Target Address NA
2 $v0 Return Value No
3 $a0 Argument 1 No
4 $a1 Argument 2 No
5 $a2 Argument 3 No
6 $t0 Temporary Variable No
7 $t1 Temporary Variable No
8 $t2 Temporary Variable No
9 $s0 Saved Register Yes
10 $s1 Saved Register Yes
11 $s2 Saved Register Yes
12 $k0 Reserved for OS and Traps NA
13 $sp Stack Pointer No
14 $fp Frame Pointer Yes
15 $ra Return Address No
  • Register 0 is always read as zero. Any values written to it are discarded.
  • Register 1 is used to hold the target address of a jump. It may also be used by pseudo-instructions generated by the assembler.
  • Register 2 is where you should store any returned value from a subroutine call.
  • Register 3-5 are used to store function/subroutine arguments.
  • Register6-8 are designated for temporary variables. The caller must save these registers if they want these values to be retained.
  • Register 9-11 are saved registers. The caller may assume that these registers are never tampered with by the subroutine. If the subroutine needs these registers, then it should place them on the stack and restore them before they jump back to the caller.
  • Register 12 is reserved for handling interrupts. While it should be implemented, it otherwise will not have any special use on this assignment.
  • Register 13 is the everchanging top of the stack; it keeps track of the top of the activation record for a subroutine.
  • Register 14 is the anchor point of the activation frame. It is used to point to the first address on the activation record for the currently executing process.
  • Register 15 is used to store the address a subroutine should return to when it is finished executing.

At implementation level, Registers has a 32-bit input data Din, a 32-bit output data Dout, and three control signals: WrREG, regno, Clock. Since we only have 16 registers, we use a 4-bit regno to select which register to read or write.

  • Write Register. When write data into a register, set WrREG to 1 and regno to the register that we want to write to. Note that in our design we use a decode with 5-bit select signal where the first 4 bits are the regno and the last bit is not of WrREG and . When WrREG is 0, Decoder will always select [16-19], i.e., no register will be enabled to write. When WrREG is 1, Decoder will select by the regno value.
  • Read Register. We use two levels of Mux with 2-bit select signal two select which register to read. The first level Mux selects using regno[0-1] and the second level Mux selects using regno[2-3]. The control gate DrREG in Datapath will be used to control whether to output the register data to bus or not.


Comparison Logic

The CmpLogic is responsible for performing the comparison logic associated with the BLT, BGT, and BEQ instructions. When executing BLT, BGT, and BEQ, A - B will be computed using 01: SUB operation of the 2-bit ALU. While this result of the ALU is being driven on the bus, the comparison logic will read the result and output a single true or false bit for either the condition A > B, A < B, or A == B, depending on the instruction being executed that control by the signal func. The control gate LdCmp in Datapath will be set so that bool output of the comparison logic will be temporarily stored in the register CmpReg in Datapath. This bool register will be used in next cycle for CC ROM in Microcontroller to decide whether to jump or not.


Microcontrol Unit

This microcontrol unit can be implemented in different ways, such as using combinational logic and flip-flops or a single ROM to hardwire the signals. However, using a single ROM can be highly inefficient, as it would waste a significant amount of space. This is because most microstates do not depend on the opcode or conditional tests to determine which signals to assert. For instance, if the condition line is an input for the address, every microstate would require an address for both condition = 0 and condition = 1, even though this only matters for one specific microstate.

To address this inefficiency, a four-ROM microcontroller can be utilized, which also handles interrupts. In this design, four ROMs are used:

  • Main MAIN ROM: Outputs control signals.
  • Sequencer SEQ ROM: Helps determine which microstate to transition to at the end of the FETCH state.
  • Condition CC ROM: Assists in deciding whether to skip an instruction during BLT (Branch Less Than) operations.
  • Interrupt INT ROM: Determines whether the next state is fetch2 or the start of the INT macrostate.

In this arrangement, the next state can originate from four different sources: part of the output from the previous state (MAIN ROM), SEQ ROM, CC ROM, or INT ROM. A multiplexer (MUX) controls which of these sources is passed through to the state register. If the "next state" field from the previous state dictates where to go, neither the OPTest nor ChkCmp signals are asserted. If the Opcode from the instruction register IR determines the next state (such as at the end of the FETCH state), the OPTest signal is asserted. If the comparison circuitry decides the next state (as in a BLT instruction), the ChkCmp signal is asserted. When dealing with an interrupt (entering the INT macrostate), both the OPTest and ChkCmp signals are asserted.

A simpler microcontrol unit can be find here that you can see the overall structure and use it to deduce behavior of each instruction.

07-Microcontroller microcode


I would like to thank Hanyun (Hannah) Huang for her invaluable help in understanding the many details of this project. Her support and clarity were crucial in guiding me through the process.


  • Project 1 - LC-2222 Datapath, CS2200 Introduction to Systems and Networking by Prof. Daniel Forsyth, Georgia Institute of Technology.
  • Project 2 - Interrupts, CS2200 Introduction to Systems and Networking by Prof. Daniel Forsyth, Georgia Institute of Technology.
  • Computer Systems: An Integrated Approach to Architecture and Operating Systems by Umakishore Ramachandran and William D. Leahy.