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Thusitha Wijethunga edited this page Apr 15, 2021 · 1 revision

Welcome to the WLED wiki!

Unless noted otherwise, all information applies to the latest release (v0.11.0).

Quick start guide:

1. Connect a WS2812B-compatible RGB(W) led strip to GPIO2. On most ESP8266 based development boards this pin is labeled D4, on ESP32 based boards use D2 or G2 or 2. If this wire cannot be kept short, use a level shifter/translator. Optionally connect a normally open pushbutton to GPIO0 (NodeMCU/Wemos pin D3) and ground.
Note: Board pin naming varies depending on the manufacturer. Please use the board pinout from the specific board you purchased and use the GPIO PINS to reference this guide. Make sure to connect ESP and LED-strip grounds together.

2. Flash the software to your ESP module! There are two options for this step:

I just want to use WLED! (install release binary)

I want to modify WLED (compile from source code)

If everything worked the first thirty LEDs will light up in bright orange to stimulate courage, friendliness and success!

3. Use a WiFi device to connect to the access point WLED-AP using the default password wled1234. You can also just scan this QR code:

Go to the IP in your browser. You should also be able to use the embedded DNS server and connect to if in access point mode.

4. Click on the cog icon to edit settings like connecting the module to your home WiFi.

5. Check your router device list for the IP of the WLED device inside your local network. For easier discovery, use the WLED app! Have fun with the software!

Default GPIO Usage:

Device GPIO Notes
LED Data 2
LED Clock 0 When used
Button 0 Not used when using Clock line
IR Remote 4
Relay 12

Software update procedure:

Method 1: Reflash the new update like a new install (see above).

Method 2: The software has an integrated OTA software update capability. First you have to enable it by typing in the correct OTA passphrase (default: "wledota") in the settings menu. Remove the tick in the checkbox "OTA locked". Then save settings and reboot the ESP. Then you can select "Manual OTA update" in Security settings and upload a release binary.
After you are done, it is recommended to lock the OTA function again. To do so, tick the checkbox again (you can change the passphrase by typing in a new one now). Reboot. If you try to access the update page now, you should see the message "OTA lock active".

Method 3: ArduinoOTA is also supported.