[CHANGE] [#789 ] Remove Bourbon.
[CHANGE] [#789 ] Remove Neat.
[UI] [#874 ] Clean up base form styles.
[BUGFIX] [#872 ] Fix flaky failure by resetting column information.
[BUGFIX] [#872 ] Properly reset routes after each test.
[BUGFIX] [#872 ] Fix delayed_job failures.
[BUGFIX] [#872 ] Migrate DB in CI.
[UI] [#868 ] Add ARIA landmark roles.
[UI] [#868 ] Use a hyphen separator in page titles.
[UI] [#868 ] Add link underlines.
[UI] [#389 ] Applies a margin-bottom to attribute labels.
[UI] [#867 ] Refine look-and-feel.
[DOC] [#870 ] Document front-end architecture.
[DOC] [#869 ] Update SCSS-Lint configuration.
[UI] [#861 ] Tweak primary navigation.
[UI] [#863 ] Redesign focus outline styles.
[i18n] [#570 ] Localise Dates.
[UI] [#515 ] Wrap unsupported form field notes in proper divs.
[DOC] [#568 ] Update
[UI] [#482 ] Wrap table cell contents instead of CSS truncation.
[CHANGE] [#854 ] Remove worker from Procfile.
[CHANGE] [#851 ] Remove dependency from ActionMailer.
You can’t perform that action at this time.