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Experimental AST editors


  • An editor
    • For Haskell-like languages
      • Particularly Purescript
    • That works the syntax tree
  • Should have efficient controls, but can have a learning curve
  • Awesome autocomplete
    • Make use of the awesome type system
    • The type system checking shouldn't get in the way of making multi-step edits
  • Stores everything in a database without regard for files
    • Modules, yes. Files, no
    • Toplevel declarations don't have an order
  • Tests can be spatially located close to the code
    • Automatically run when things change
  • Possibly usable on a phone-sized/touch-based device
  • Simple debugger


It shouldn't be:

  • Really slow, locking up at small things and taking ages to type-check/compile/test
  • Heavily mouse driven
  • Hard to remember or find keyboard shortcuts
  • Hard to find code
  • Hard to read code
  • Hard to find documentation for code (libraries and project code)
  • Hard to see dependencies between things
  • Hard to use/add/control libraries
  • Painful or annoying to write tests
  • In your way when doing non-type-preserving edits


There is no usage yet.


  1. An expression editor
  • Enter expressions (literals, variables, lambdas, applies, binaries, lets, and patterns)
  • Modify expressions
  • Evaluate on the fly and render the result
  1. A flat, no-hierarchy multiple-toplevel editor
  • Named top-levels
  • Eval top-levels
  • Saving/reloading
  1. Usability
  • Autocomplete
  • Refactoring
  • The awesome popup picker
  • Anything else that smooths usage
  1. Types
  • ...
  1. Import simple Purescript code


  • Implement variable picker
    • c for popup
  • Implement literal entry
    • Part of the autocomplete popup
    • " for strings
    • [0-9\.] for numbers
  • Implement better navigation
    • Being able to edit let binding names, lambda arg names, binary ops, pattern patterns
    • Able to select up and down
    • Don't ruin the cursor when rewriting
    • Jump to holes after rewriting
    • Add hole jumping tab, shift + tab
  • Reevaluate where we're going and work out what to polish next
    • layout?
    • cursor navigation through layout?
    • move the eval result to under in a pane?
  • Split Events and Actions
    • Use an Action loop for the main processing
    • Use a Input Events for the UI
      • Get translated into Actions
    • Jobs result in Actions
  • Refactor into Utils, Model, State, Event Loop, Jobs, main, etc
  • Use an exhaustive search of things to Eval (but use diff to shortcut)
  • More folding up of nested things (in the core AST as well)
    • Don't fold up in bottom-most AST
    • Fold up in renderer (and compiler if needed)
    • Cursor will have to be rewritten in the folder
  • Rewrite in Purescript
    • selectors
    • keymap-chart
    • editor-render
    • editor-ui
  • Database/serialisation
  • Completely rewrite Job system
    • Currently our expression context is an Eval toplevel (for now)
    • On-change (by hash), compile and execute
      •   onChange expr = do
            compiled <- compile
            result <- execute compiled
            display result
      • On-change will need a dependency graph
    • Compile will be cached (by hash)
      • Cache nowhere near the State
      • Private cache?
    • Job system works over things like Eval and Test etc
      • eg Evaluating astar simple (1 test, 13 evals)
      • eg Testing main (3 tests)
      • Error evaluating astar simple
      • Type Error testing main
      • Error testing main
    • Job Queue - agnostic to Job type
      • JobQueue job
      • Jobs should have a Show to be reportable
    • Job Executor - runs Jobs from the in queue and sends result to out queue
      • forall job result. JobExecutor job result
      • Given a function that turns Jobs into Tasks
  • Support multiple top-levels
  • Array/object literals
  • Fix editor pane layout/wrapping etc. Either fix the flexbox or use something else.
  • Better one-line rendering support (use complexity or approximate length)
    • Also render let and where with variables starting on the same line
  • Keyboard command binding (use proper key-binding system)
  • Attach comments to any node
  • Switch to a Purescript AST
  • Use AST functions to execute commands
    • An abstract Editor Hooks function
  • Mouse
  • Use a consistent colour scheme
  • Add running tests
    • QuickCheck/PSUnit
    • "table check" - a table of input/output values
      • A function for the table
      • Input + expected output for each row
  • Add types
  • 2D spatial code grid
  • Mobile interface
    • So offload as much work as possible to server
  • Try using a CSS pre-processor with variables


  • The editor should use Vim-like commands (avoid Enter)
    • Modes
      • Normal
      • Replace (I doubt this is a mode. Or if it is, then Identifier/Literal editing is a mode as well)
    • ‘c’ on a node to replace it
      • L Let
      • A Apply
      • \ or / Lambda
      • V Variable
      • L Literal
      • P Pattern
      • It’s possible some of these are the same thing via autocomplete
    • Eg ‘c<space|tab>’ then enter
    • ‘let’ Let
    • ‘case’ Pattern
    • ‘\’ Lambda
    • Variable
    • Literal
    • If the current node is a variable or literal then Autocomplete will be prefilled
      • ‘’ on an expression node wraps it in an Apply (or appends/inserts a new apply)
      • ‘\’ or ‘/’ on a hole makes a lambda
      • Other non-conflicting letters to begin on a hole?
      • ‘w’ Wraps. deletes a node, lets you replace it with something, then inserts it into the first hole
        • Should this be programmable functionality?
        • Yank, Change (wait), Paste(latest)
      • ‘d’ to delete a node into a tmp buffer (replaces it with a hole)
        • Yank, Replace(hole)
      • ‘D’ as ‘d’ but without yanking
        • Replace(hole)
      • ‘y’ to copy a node into a tmp buffer
        • Yank
      • ‘p’ take the latest yank and replace the current node it (if the current node is not a hole, yank it first)
        • tmp = latest, Yank, Replace(tmp)
      • ‘P’ as ‘p’, but don’t keep the current node
        • Replace(latest)
      • ‘u’ undo
      • Inserting a node with holes in it selects the first hole
        • Tab switches between holes in Normal/Replace mode
      • Nodes have class (TopLevelBinding | Expression | Identifier | Let variable | Pattern case | Pattern case expression | …)
        • Expression has type (Let | Apply | …)
        • Identifier is eg ‘let = …’ or ‘\ -> …’
        • Nodes can only be places in where their classes match
      • Provision to insert and move nodes in ‘list-like’ things
        • Let variable
        • Pattern case
        • ‘’ with a such a node selected to insert
        • ‘<shift + up | down>’ to move
  • The editor should be programmable
    • Shortcuts definable in the language
    • A reset shortcut in case of breakage
  • Keyboard
    • Invisible input listening for commands
    • For autocomplete a text field appears in an appropriate place (in the node tree)
    • For random text input a text field appears in a control pane
  • Mouse
    • Click on node to make it current
  • Undo
    • Has an undo/redo stack per AST
    • Editor state doesn’t get undone
    • I want to undo several things on a single AST regardless of other AST edits
  • React (shouldn’t need Redux)
    • Use flat data format
    • Lookup expressions by an arbitrary ID
  • Be able to embed an editor for a particular node class anywhere
  • For debug/repair a broken situation can dump an AST to Javascript builder tree, then back again
  • The editor event handlers should be separate, coming together through pipelines to make actions for the main state updater to reduce.
    • The low-level command executor
    • Macro commands
    • Undo/redo recording
    • Keyboard command processing
  • ' ' on an expression to call it as a function
  • '.' on an expression to call a function with it
  • Render a 3D dependency diagram
  • When we have types, have three modes
    • no checking
    • warning
    • forbid breaking changes
      • requires type checking synchronously in the change and vetoing it
  • Need to have some core engine code running on both server and client (ie type checker, AST tools).
  • Implement a fancy circular tool switcher thing using keyboard shortcuts (ctrl-space or something)
    • refactoring
    • create/delete top-levels/tests/watches/etc
    • use ':' for the magic popup picker
  • show documentation
  • show dependencies/dependents
  • toplevels have aliased-externals
    • corresponding to imports
    • eg "in this toplevel, Just refers to Data.Maybe.Just"
  • "typeof " command
  • ":" action picker
    • key commands must be stable
    • refactorings: rename, extract, inline
  • ast contexts: expression, pattern case, let binding, toplevel, type
  • toplevels: binding, eval (expr with Show OR Renderable), test, type class
  • think about how it could actually be used
    • ie how could you write the editor in the editor
    • launched from cli
    • continuously building to a bundle.js or something
  • Debugger
    • Can't pause the execution (without browser support)
    • Can record things as they happen