Concept ranking by context comparison with blended open data for personal names
What we want to achieve:
What we have to do:
- Named Entity Recognition
- Fetch Concept Candidates
- Context Comparison
- Ranking
Make sure you have python3 and pip installed:
$ sudo apt install python3 pip3
And of course the corresponding python modules:
$ python3 -m pip install spacy
$ python3 -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
$ python3 -m pip install nltk
$ python3 -m pip install pdfminer.six
We fetch concept candidates by querying a knowledge base (here: Wikidata) for possible entities with the corresponding names, that we found in the NER step. Querying wikidata for a person by name the common way will most likely timeout, because of one minute execution time at sparql endpoint. Wikidata has no indexed data directly available, but we can make use of the Mediawiki API Service that's also available by SPARQL request and use it for full text search.
We created a nodejs application to query Wikidata. You can find the code in crawl directory:
+-- crawl
| +-- build/ /* the built application code */
| | +-- crawl.js /* application js */
| | +-- /* sourcemap */
| | +-- crawl.min.js /* minified application js */
| +-- example/ /* javascript examples */
| | +-- example.js /* query example */
| | +-- example2.js /* flattened query example */
| +-- src/ /* the coffeescript source files */
| | +-- /* application code */
| +-- /* grunt task runner configuration */
| +-- .babelrc /* babel configuration */
| +-- package.json /* node package configuration */
Debian/Ubuntu: Please make sure, you have nodejs and npm installed:
$ sudo apt install nodejs npm
If you want to run the application, you must install the corresponding npm modules:
$ cd crawl && npm install
You may choose to install without the development dependencies by using the --production flag:
$ cd crawl && npm install --production
If you want to build the application, you must install grunt, coffeescript and the corresponding npm modules:
$ cd crawl && npm install && sudo npm install -g grunt coffeescript
To build the application, please use grunt from within the crawl directory:
$ cd crawl && grunt
Require the file in your js and retrieve data like this:
const crawl = require('../build/crawl.min.js');
// build request
const request = {
"name": "Christian Albrecht",
"description": {
"label": "description",
"stopword": true,
"delimiter": ","
"properties": [
{ "name": "P1477", "label": "birthname"},
{ "name": "P19", "label": "placeofbirth"},
{ "name": "P21", "label": "sex"},
{ "name": "P20", "label": "placeofdeath"},
{ "name": "P106", "label": "occupation", "concat": true, "delimiter": ",", "stopword": true, "unique": true},
{ "name": "P108", "label": "employer", "concat": true, "delimiter": ",", "stopword": true, "unique": true},
{ "name": "P463", "label": "memberof", "concat": true, "stopword": true, "unique": true}
"limit": 1000,
"lang": "en"
// fire request
crawl.retrieve(request, function(res) {
You have the option to remove stopwords from properties and description text. Stopwords are removed corresponding to selected language. If you want to join the stopwords you may set a delimiter (same delimiter that's used for concatenating). By the way, if you choose to remove stopwords, resultsets for corresponding property are always concatenated before stopword removal. If you want to have unique results from stopword removal, you can by setting unique flag.
You can run the example from within the example directory by:
$ cd ./example/ && node example.js
You can run any request from command line by:
$ node build/crawl.js '{
"name": "Max Planck",
"description": {
"label": "description",
"stopword": true,
"delimiter": ","
"properties": [
{ "name": "P1477", "label": "birthname"},
{ "name": "P19", "label": "placeofbirth"},
{ "name": "P21", "label": "sex"},
{ "name": "P20", "label": "placeofdeath"},
{ "name": "P106", "label": "occupation", "concat": true, "delimiter": ",", "stopword": true, "unique": true},
{ "name": "P108", "label": "employer", "concat": true, "delimiter": ",", "stopword": true, "unique": true},
{ "name": "P463", "label": "memberof", "concat": true, "stopword": true, "unique": true}
"limit": 1000,
"lang": "en"
"value":"Max Planck"
"value":"Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck"
"value":"Russian Academy of Sciences, Royal Society, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Q292692, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences, Lincean Academy, Saxon Academy of Sciences, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Philosophical Society, Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Kaiser Wilhelm Society, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft, Q2301163, German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Academy of Sciences of Turin, Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences"
"value":"Max Planck"
Example 2 returns flattened unique values for every concept found. You can run the example 2 from within the example directory by:
$ cd ./example/ && node example2.js
You can run the request also from command line by:
$ node build/crawl.js '{
"name": "Max Planck",
"description": {
"label": "description",
"stopword": true
"properties": [
{ "name": "P19", "label": "placeofbirth"},
{ "name": "P21", "label": "sex"},
{ "name": "P20", "label": "placeofdeath"},
{ "name": "P106", "label": "occupation", "stopword": true},
{ "name": "P108", "label": "employer", "stopword": true, "unique": true},
{ "name": "P463", "label": "memberof", "stopword": true, "unique": true}
"limit": 1000,
"lang": "de",
"flatten": true,
"unique": true
"label":"Max Planck",
"label":"Max Planck",
You can also start a nodejs server from backend directory.
cd backend && npm install && npm run start
Then you can retrieve data like this: http://localhost:8081/api/retrieve/Max%20Planck
Install the haskell-platform (ghci and cabal)
$ sudo apt-get install haskell-platform
Install the needed haskell-libraries
$ cabal install string-conversions
$ cabal install text
$ cabal install aeson
Take The QueryResult and compute the Rankings and Go into the RankNLink directory
$ /.Main "path/to/the/queryresult/file.json" "/path/to/the/outputdirectory/file.json"
./Main "result.json" "resultComputation.json"