The website for Not a Moment Sooner, dedicated to promoting the future health and viability of the Upstate theatre community and its artists.
This site is built using Hugo, a static site generator written in Go.
- assets include SCSS/CSS, Javascript, SVGs, and image files that use Hugo's image processing functions.
- content are the individual pages, written in Markdown.
- data contains a single YAML file with collected signatures for the letter.
- layouts are where a lot of the heavy lifting occurs:
- _default contains the basic HTML templates of the pages
- partials are called within templates to execute certain pieces of logic, most notably the sorting of names (by last name for invididuals, first letter for organizations)
- shortcodes are called within Markdown files to insert smaller template pieces, like forms and signature lists
- resources are compiled CSS and Javascript automatically generated by Hugo; they are included in the repo to speed up build time
- static contains webfonts and images that do not use Hugo image processing features
The project is built and hosted using Netlify.