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Releases: thisisdash/rubocopital

[1.0.1] - 05 February 2021

05 Feb 17:30
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  • Fixed projects without Rubocop-Rails

[1.0.0] - 05 Febuary 2021

05 Feb 16:55
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  • Upgrade Rubocop from 0.89.0 to 1.9.1
  • Upgrade Rubocop-Performance from 1.7.1 to 1.9.2
  • Upgrade Rubocop-Rails from 2.7.0 to 2.9.1

[0.7.1] - 05 October 2020

05 Oct 09:14
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  • Upgrade rubocop to 0.89.0 to prevent bug in 0.88.0

  • Added Style/ExplicitBlockArgument disabled

  • Added Style/GlobalStdStream disabled

  • Added Style/OptionalBooleanParameter disabled

  • Added Style/SingleArgumentDig disabled

  • Added Style/StringConcatenation disabled

  • Added Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands disabled

  • Added Lint/DuplicateRescueException disabled

  • Added Lint/EmptyConditionalBody disabled

  • Added Lint/FloatComparison disabled

  • Added Lint/MissingSuper disabled

  • Added Lint/OutOfRangeRegexpRef disabled

  • Added Lint/SelfAssignment disabled

  • Added Lint/TopLevelReturnWithArgument disabled

  • Added Lint/UnreachableLoop disabled

[0.7.0] - 17 August 2020

05 Oct 09:08
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Updated rubocop gem to 0.88 .0
Updated rubocop-performance gem to 1.7.1
Updated rubocop-rails gem version 2.7.0
Updated rubocop-rspec gem to 1.42.0

  • Added Rails/ActiveRecordCallbacksOrder
  • Added Rails/Inquiry
  • Added Rails/WhereExists
  • Added Lint/RaiseException
  • Added Lint/MixedRegexpCaptureTypes
  • Added Lint/DeprecatedOpenSSLConstant
  • Added Lint/DuplicateElsifCondition
  • Added Lint/MixedRegexpCaptureTypes
  • Added Performance/AncestorsInclude
  • Added Performance/StringInclude
  • Added Performance/Squeeze
  • Added Performance/SortReverse
  • Added Performance/ReverseFirst
  • Added Performance/RedundantStringChars
  • Added Performance/RedundantSortBlock
  • Added Performance/IoReadlines
  • Added Performance/ReverseFirst
  • Added Performance/DeleteSuffix
  • Added Performance/BindCall
  • Added Performance/BigDecimalWithNumericArgument
  • Added Performance/DeleteSuffix
  • Added RSpec/RepeatedExampleGroupDescription
  • Added RSpec/VariableName
  • Added RSpec/VariableDefinition
  • Added RSpec/RepeatedExampleGroupBody
  • Added RSpec/EmptyHook
  • Added RSpec/RepeatedExampleGroupBody
  • Added Style/SlicingWithRange
  • Added Style/RedundantRegexpEscape
  • Added Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass
  • Added Style/RedundantFetchBlock
  • Added Style/RedundantAssignment
  • Added Style/HashTransformValues
  • Added Style/HashEachMethods
  • Added Style/ExponentialNotation
  • Added Style/BisectedAttrAccessor
  • Added Style/AccessorGrouping

[0.6.0] - 20 January 2020

20 Jan 12:48
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Updated rubocop gem to 0.77.0
Updated rubocop-performance gem to 1.5.1
Added rubocop-rails gem version 2.4.0

Added Rails/ApplicationController
Added Rails/ApplicationMailer
Added Rails/EnumHash
Added Rails/SafeNavigationWithBlank
Added FactoryBot/FactoryClassNam
Added RSpec/ContextMethod
Added RSpec/EmptyLineAfterExample: with AllowConsecutiveOneLiners: true
Added RSpec/ImplicitBlockExpectation
Added RSpec/LeakyConstantDeclaration
Added Style/FloatDivision: with EnforcedStyle: single_coerce
Added Style/MultilineWhenThen
Added Lint/SendWithMixinArgument
Added Gemspec/RubyVersionGlobalsUsage

Disabled Rails/RakeEnvironment
Disabled RSpec/Dialect

Renamed Layout/AlignHash to Layout/HashAlignment
Renamed Layout/AlignParameters to Layout/ParameterAlignment
Renamed Layout/IndentFirstParameter to Layout/FirstParameterIndentation